Please don’t continue this dependency.

I used to do the exact same thing and thought it would work forever. It got bad and then worse.

I am now 667 days sober from alcohol and am legitimately terrified of the stuff now thinking back on it. You’re obviously free to do what you want but take it from someone who did the exact same thing, it’s not worth it.

lol that sub is an unmoderated political shithole. Complete slap in the face to what used the be facepalm material.

I would stash my pints in my golf bag in the garage. Wouldn’t care how hot it got.

Really wish they would sing about less horrible graphic things. The vocals are incredible but there’s no joke or humor in the lyrics.

Damn unlocking memories I didn’t know I had.

I like it. Anything that makes me feel existential dread is right up my alley.

Call me whatever you want I’m not defined by my autism. lol

I am in the same boat. Although I think the Wellbutrin is helping too.

I’m playing Elden Ring between by deck and PC and also going through the Assassins Creed series on my deck using Chiaki4Deck and my ps5. Don’t get me started on emudeck. I’m carrying around endless fun.

This is legitimately one of the best pieces of tech I’ve ever owned. I love it.

You should go to the same bar and do it again. Especially since he’s likely to win if Biden stays in.

lol this sub is insufferable as shit.

Wow! Tree drama aside that’s a fat ass golden retriever since they typically max out at 75 pounds. lol

Some of y’all are cringe as fuck.

Second. She’s been great for me.

The Rescue. Documentary about the Thai boys soccer team stuck in the flooded caves.

Well the answers here will be skewed heavily in one general direction. I don’t know what I am because I don’t fit into either definition. I take bits and pieces from each set of beliefs based on how I view the world.

This is dope. More companies out of politics would be nice.