’I do believe your wife is supporting at least one of them.

We are the dogs, n this the mom

we know she don’t feel well

so we are here to keep her calm

(she Likes it, we can tell…)

‘Supportive dogs ‘ - we do our Best

to help the mom to Heal ;@) :@)

important that she gets her rest,

n Every breath

we feel…

The blanket heavy on the bed,

but momma makes no fuss

(she much prefer Our weight instead

cuz She’s supporting



(hope she feels better u/Handay_Anday)

This my face ~ the way i Smile

am sit n stare at you


a proven fact, that Every day

i ultimately

get my way ;}

no bug, no pest, i don’t insist

but This a face you can’t RESIST!

n like that silly cat cartoon -


the TiMe to EaT Again is HERE!

it makes me SMILE

from Ear to Ear


edit: he looks like the Best boy u/Ok-Rule9619

for u/mark503 ;)


edit: from 6 yrs ago (cleaned it up for you a bit…)

the sweetest sound i ever heard

(tho i don’t understand a word)

is when my human sings to me!

i’m just as Lucky as can be ;@)

i lay n wait for song to start,

n when he sings

it melts my heart

i know that you’ll be gone all day,

but thanks for singing anyway

cuz wen you’re gone, n can't be near

i close my eyes …

your song i hear


’Your grey brings you things...

I am the grey - the things i bring!

a cricket leg, that used to Sing ;}

incessantly, from dusk to dawn

the cHiRPiNg would go on n on…

(i always warn them stupid derps

to STOP their Hecking LeG-RuB chirps!)

they Don’t…

an intervention Begs

so i tear off

their f*cking legs

a lesson learned - they sing no more!

a Gift for Human






edit: ’Blessed’, u/disgruntled_assthanks for the inspurration u/Moteltulsa, n sorry about your plants

’…all she did was put her hand on the horse just to indicate maybe she wants contact. Then she got what she wanted and she respected the horse personal space afterwards. I love it. She was so gentle and the horse was too.

I am the horse - on Duty, see

aware someone approaching me . . .

Maintain composure - Job to do!

…but gentle friend

i like you, too

n when i feel her tiny hand,

i’ll let her know

i understand

i’ll bow my head - a mighty Horse!

she feels my Love

of course,

of course . . .


’One deer that I would toss apples to came back as a fully grown buck and walked right up to me… then laid down in the exact spot he would nap as a baby

I came back to see you, cuz i never will forget

you were kind n gentle, even tho you never ‘pet’

i saw your face n heard your voice - the apples that were tossed!

a baby in the woods i was,

but innocence was lost

We grow n change like humans do, there’s few that we can trust

i’m older n i’m wiser now, so Visit you - i must!

to thank you for your gentle ways, you loved me from the start

Forever we’re together, friend

so dear inside your heart!


(so sweet, u/SnooMachines7482)

’That disgusted eye roll…

am gonna sit n contemplate

my UnSuSpEcTiNg human’s fate…

am judging from my kitty perch

why you have left me in a lurch

My lunch is LATE! an empty bowl :{

the Hunger pains!

DiSgUsT eye roll…

am stare you down

n count

to 3 . . .

or see how sorry

you will be . . . . .



(he looks like a King u/TopAdvice820)

’That's a pretty good blep.

when i lay me down to sleep,

i snuggle in my bed, so deep

the hours pass - so satisfied

i much prefer to lie inside

i see you, human … i am fine

no worries, me! no bark or whine

i choose to stay here in my bed ;@)

so no get up

i bLeP



’You sit on your butt too...

am gonna do the things You do -

so I will sit on Your butt, too

Whenever you are on a chair,

a couch, a bench, or anywhere,

a built-in cushion carried ‘round!

your human butt so soft, i’ve found

n when you’re ‘bottom’s Up’ i see

you’re offering

your Seat for Me ;}

so every time you lying prone

I take the chance

to Claim my Throne!


edit: she’s beautiful u/Univorns

’For a second i thought you had them in a soup pot with broth

we baby turtles, oh so small,

we BaReLy have a chance at all…

the PrEdAtOrS - they Watch n swoop

so Humans make us

‘turtle soup’ :) :) ;):);)

Protecting us - our eggs they hide,

as we DeVeLoP

Safe inside!

we Hatch ~ so eager now to see

the World AWAITS!

they’ll set us Free!

we ready now to leave the pot,

so thankful for the Love we got

unsure just what outside we’ll face . . .

. . . Slow n steady


the race!



edit: i thought the same u/AtomicFox84 ;) Good on you u/seriphae!

’Wilma is good people ... this subreddit is about things that make people smile

not seeking the spotlight ~ avoiding the glare,

few people will notice if you’re even there

shy of attention, don’t want a main part,

you make people smile

cuz you have a kind heart

it’s not what you ‘have’, but much more what you Give

you’re trying your best in the world that you live

a wag of a tail, or a wink of an eye

a moment in time…

we’re all just

passing by



(thanks for the smiles, my friend)

’ and the pupper said "I don't see the problem”

it’s true what they say, but No PrObLeM i see

the mom n the dad both made dinner for me!

no telling each other - they both thought they should,

(i got Twice as much, cuz i’m so Heckin good!)

there’s nights they forget - disappointment i hide,

my tummy is sad when it’s empty inside…

tonight was a Bonus - they both catching up

Just look at my Smile :@D

now i’m one Happy PuP!



(she’s beautiful u/D-Beyond)

’Don't worry, Not gonna happen anytime soon’

the humans - they Chose me! but just for ‘awhile’

(the dad he kept saying was only a ‘trial’…)

the mom fell in Love, n she’d coo n she’d swoon

(i don’t think i’m leaving here

anytime soon)

it happens with ‘fosters’ - them human hearts change

they can’t let us Go! so their lives ReArRaNgE ;}

we kits know we’re Lucky, n we’ve done our part

to stay where we are -

Ever Deep in their Heart!


Oreo’s lucky to have you as her humans, u/mild_harlee

Wish we could see the crow's pov. Just a guy peeking out past the curtains, with a creepy smile watching…

…he’s peeking past the curtains - does he think that i don’t see ?

a creepy smile, watching, with his hand held out for me . . .

he thinks that i can’t see him, but there’s crackers in his palm!

so i’ll approach him

s l o w l y

n i hope that he stays calm…

his human eyes grow W I D E R as he sees me coming near

(i’m certain that he’s sTuPiD, so there’s nothing more to fear)

but still, i’m ever cautious, yet there’s one thing that i’m sure:

if this fool tries to Touch me,

I will teach him




edit: you’re a DiSnEy PriNcEsS, u/MasterYates818 ;)

’She’s giving you the “I love you” blink

Look into my eyes, my friend, n tell me what you see

am blinking them so s l o w l y as you staring back at me…

a look of pure contentment, cuz you bring me Happiness

i’m showing you I like you,

n the way you do

pss - psss…

Some humans tryin way too hard - their ToUcHeS i don’t need

i watch you taking care of me, n givin me my Feed ;}

i know my human likes you, n i’ve seen you here before

so i give you my loving eyes

no need to ask

for more


thanks to u/cyankitten for the inspurration ~ beautiful kit, u/Any_Board9456 - you have her Approval!

’that's how he looks from about 5am until 2am….proof that he does sleep, occasionally

now i lay me down to sleep,

a rest from BuSy DaY

but All the memories i keep

as on the rug i lay….

I am the Dog ~ they call me Zapp

cuz That’s how i awake!

Too much ExCiTe to take a nap

(this just a little break…)

the humans see it in my eyes -

my Piercing baby blues :@D

Today i got a BIG SuRpRiSe -

they got me Heckin SHOES!

From 5 to 2, so fast it seems,

So little time! but then

Adventures in my doggie dreams -

Can’t Wait to Rise



(beautiful pup u/Karter705)

’The foster carer told us that the young boy was the most confident but the young girl was the least confident and she would benefit from being with him in their lives together as it turned out we all benefited because they’re great

’I would have guessed the other way around - since the boy seems to be hiding behind his sister, who has that "you mess with my brother you mess with me" look...

i’m gonna stand behind her, but i’m helping her to grow

supporting everything she does - just watch my sister Glow!

she’s getting much more confident just knowing that i’m here

i couldn’t leave without her,

n i love to have her near ;} :}

i’m grateful to my humans for not leaving her behind

(a better two-cat family you’re never gonna find!)

our happy ever after here is what we’re dreaming of

our humans get the benefit -

they’re getting Twice the Love!



edit: they’re beautiful u/Illustrious-Bee4402

’She frozen her ears and tail off in the cold spring, was loaded with tape worms and pregnant as hell. She’s the happiest cat I’ve ever shared a life with.

i didn’t think that i would see

a human ever wanting me

fat n ugly, full of worms,

no ears, no tail,

a LoAd of germs :{

a belly full of babies, too

i didn’t know

what i would do…

so i stayed hidden in the wood,

until . . . these humans - kind, n good!

those gentle cuddles i first felt,

my frozen heart

began to melt

it seemed as tho they Wanted ME!

was this to be my Destiny ?

Fast forward - Life has turned around,

my Happy Ever After



’I made up a silly song about Trev to make my birds bob their heads and be silly..."One man's trash is another man's Trevor" and my young conure, who is a dork, started singing the Trevor part.

’…One man’s trash is another man’s Trevor

i can hear you, human, in your heart i’ll leave you Never!

Listen to the chirping of those dorky little birds

Tryin just the Best they can - don't hafta know the words!

their little hearts are Happy with the tune you sing for Me

them silly birdbrains b o b their heads, as cute as they can be

i’m glad you finding Joy with all your little feathered friends

a Meowmory forever

I’m the song

that never ends!


’My cat was originally my neighbour’s cat, but the cat used to follow me around constantly outside. When my neighbour said that he had to get rid of the cat due to travelling for work, I knew instantly that I would take him. Years later, I’m still happy with my decision.

i used to have a human, n they treated me ok

but i would follow this one, n i’d watch for them each day

the house where i was living didn’t really seem to care,

but you would seem so Happy

every time you saw me there :)

Fast forward to them ‘leaving’, n i heard them say ‘Get RiD…’

they said that You could Have me! (n i’m very glad you did!)

for i’d already chosen you - no longer would i roam

i’m Happy i decided

You’d be My




’I know humans are hard to age by looking at them, but the one you found is in its adult phase…

i found him there, beneath the pile - the lumber stacked up high

‘I’m gonna SAVE YOU, human - or at least i’m gonna Try!’

i MuStErEd All the ENERGY a tiny possum could,

i pushed n Pulled, n Finally

i FREED HIM from the Wood!

he seemed a Bigger human than at first i thought he was

i notified the others -

it felt right to,

just because…

my momma always told me ‘Do for Others, what you can

n Someday you’ll be Lucky

if you make a friend




(inspired by u/AverageCypress, for the Most deserving u/IamSkudd )

’I think just getting any pouch is enough for them to hop in

there’s somethin’ kinda funny - i been HoPPiNg way too long :(

…oh Look - a Pouch! Can i get in?

or maybe

is that Wrong ??

i’m just a baby joey, Lost - so Any pouch’ll do

i think i found my Kanga!

…can i be your

Baby Roo?


’She’s being picked up by a wild animal rehab and release org called “Keepers of the Wild”

a little, shy opossum, just exploring on my own

next thing i know, i’m Lost inside a place i’d never known…

it smelled like trees, but Different - i was stuck in there awhile

but then i felt a gentle hand,

looked Up,

n saw you Smile

’Hey there, little buddy - lemme get you outta there!

(this stranger was so friendly, n he really seemed to care…)

Fast forward to my future - Now! (it has a happy end)

i’m in the WiLd, where i belong ;)

i thank you,

human Friend!


(may your good deeds come back to you u/IamSkudd)

I am the Cat, as black as night,

so oft unchosen kittens…

Beware - REVENGE! Recoil in fright

the dreaded

M u R d E r mittens…

’Nobody Wants a kit that’s Black -

Misfortune in their path….’

(Don’t worry, babes - i gotcher back

they’ll feel ur momma’s wrath…)

They can’t ignore my baby, small,

the wee one will rejoice!

they’ll choose the black one, after all ;}

I gave

No other



’The way the turtle started flapping his flippers when he got towards the water!

I’m stranded here, so far from shore,

the land is hot n dry

i cannot make it anymore

i think


i’ll die . . .

but then - a Human! grabbing me

a cloak across my head

…is This the End?? I cannot SEE!

but then - the Wet, instead!!

We’re getting close!! I sense the air -

the Smell of Beach, n water!

He rescued me ~ we’re almost there!

my flippers start to fLuTtEr….

n then - the plunge i’m Dreaming of -

i Live to SWIM AGAIN :)

the ebb n flow of life

n Love

Thanks to this ‘stranger’

