Her absolute peak was Career Opportunities riding that horse

One of the greatest scenes ever filmed, I shit my pants laughing every single time OJ hits the wet paint.

I 100% the game, and for New game + I played on lethal and Kurosawa mode. This lasted 10 minutes before I realized #1 Being color blind is for sure a handicap! Also the audio ques are distorted. Plus GoT is one of the most beautiful games ever created. So I dropped Kurosawa mode. I kept it on Lethal though since the game was never hard anyway. The mode is a nice nod, But I'm pretty sure sucker punch never intended you to actually use it

I think it's more to do with GoT being an all-time great game produced with love and care for the gamers, And AC shadows will be another cash grab.

Half in the bag Terminator Dark Fate. Mike points out that if your house is infested with mice would you make little mouse robots. Or just get some rat poison.

Ya why fear Jin he's only responsible for 100s of thousands of deaths

I feel like Mick Gordon is more Important than we think.

My only complaint about GoT is it's very easy. I turned up the difficulty after about an hour in the tutorial, but that only makes you take more damage. The overall difficulty does not change. Plus it only gets easier the more weapons you aquire. I love the design of letting you play how you want, but the enemy's never adapt or change.

The way they did exploration, It's amazing really. The wind guides you everywhere. You never have to pull up a map if you don't want to. A flawless game really.

There's an odd "Too-shima" every now and then.

There are various add-ons I run on pc to keep stuff on auto-play not sure what you are watching on.

Monkey in Space

I have laughed thinking about this for 25 years, and bless Damon Wayans.

When was Madden fun? Like seriously the last time madden was fun for me was 2001. Jason Seahorn was the best CB. I had a 12 hour free trial for madden 24. I played 2 hours uninstalled and moved on.

Monkey in Space

I despise Ari! However he is 100% right on this.

Idk what you on about I'm a science based super addicted junky! Ya SCIENCE!

The loop of collecting and then building is pretty powerful in this game. I waste hours building. I don't even like builder games.

She's a very good singer. That said, I'm sure 100% of her producers disagree.

Monkey in Space

I never would've guessed the young punk Brooklyn kid on Remote Control would end up being a brilliant stand up, But he is.

Selling your soul for some pathetic book publicity. Sad