I’ve been using is forever as a preventative. And was the first step I took when I noticed them on birds.

How many drops of ivermectin per bird? Or are you dosing another way

I love eric in sex education. An amazing actor I would love to meet.

What is a safe food to feed wild pigeons?

She’s scratching her bum on the rug. Poor fat dog can’t scratch herself.

I’m in Oregon and don’t have my pigeon yet. But when I do I’m going trough Great Lakes pigeon.


It looks like someone drilled a hole, then it broke a bit. It’s in the corner or the bottom. I’m hoping I can support or repair it for structure. Then cover it all with pond liner to make it water tight.

This may be a dumb question. Quick question

I am getting a plastic horse trough from a coworker and it has a 4 inch hole in the bottom. If I use a pond liner can it still work to make a container water garden?


My dad still uses his green one. Smells so strong of hot mildew lol. But he loves that thing.

She looks like she’s trying to swallow. Sour crop or impacted crop would be my guess.

Love to all the little gobbo familiars.

Cavalier King Charles x papillon x dachshund

None of their pizza, my husband used to work there and would always bring me home breadsticks! And leftover pasta salad. I can almost taste them!

He seems to think salazzle is a “super rare lengendary”. One mans trash is another man’s treasure lol.