Of course EU đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡ș is a Country! In my Dreams

They are an economic forum. BRICS is a diplomatic talking place. It’s about talking to come to agreements, it’s not a block.

China and India are in an active border conflict.

Of course EU đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡ș is a Country! In my Dreams


Russia and China against the global north lol

How will BRICS bring forth a new era if they can’t agree on anything.

Von denen sind sicherlich auch ne ganze Menge tĂŒrkische TĂŒrken, die wohnen hier gar nicht.

Of course EU đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡ș is a Country! In my Dreams


BRICS, the most coherent „Alliance“

Nordrhein-Westfalen‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎:de-nw::eu:

Hmm that’s sounds really fucking great!

Es gibt keinen Krieg Fatimavorfall in Ba Sing Se der Gekte

Der Fatima Vorfall wurde auch noch nicht aufgeklÀrt

Man muss als Radfahrer auch in vielen Situationen mit 1m Abstand zu den parkenden Autos fahren um gewĂ€hrleisten zu können das man nicht in Aussteigende fĂ€hrt. Das wĂ€re auf einer schmalen Straße beinah mittig.

Das Rechtsfahrgebot gilt fĂŒr PKW nicht in der Stadt. Es gilt vor allem auf Autobahnen. Das einzige was OP sich zu Schulden kommen lĂ€sst, wĂ€re eine Behinderung des Straßenverkehrs.

Der geheime Trick des Kapitalismus.

:zedaph: Team Zedaph

Hmmm Billionaire with Private Island
 Hmm, What was his base again? Oh that’s right, he was a Pirate.

:Germany: :North_Rhine-Westphalia: Born in the Khalifat

Also this map shows only PS4 and PS5 popularity. If we would look at steam statistics, we would definitely see a very different picture.

:Germany: :North_Rhine-Westphalia: Born in the Khalifat

But it doesn’t make Baby’s kaputt. It just prevents them.

Also why the „kaputten“ that’s not a verb.

Ich denke die Polizei braucht so ne Art MilitĂ€rpolizei. Eine Polizei deren einziger Job es ist die Polizei zu kontrollieren wĂŒrde die dann auch dem Justizministerium unterordnen oder so, damit die schön nichts miteinander zutun haben.

:Germany: :North_Rhine-Westphalia: Born in the Khalifat

What about it? Don’t thou like words that have a literal meaning or ast thou to posh for that?

:Germany: :North_Rhine-Westphalia: Born in the Khalifat

Has the time finally come that I agree with a Bavarian

:Germany: :North_Rhine-Westphalia: Born in the Khalifat

Why don’t you revive „thou“ it’s honestly great and would fit perfect in your language.

:north-rhine-westphalia: North+Rhine-Westphalia

Ei fink dÀt writing Inglisch, hau À JörmÀn Wut write it, is reeli fanni Ànd it grÀetli enhanzes À polÀndboll Komik.

Gysi is very left leaning. Not just Centerleft.

My biggest problem is with the colours. Left wing was always red in Europe, conservatives and right wing blue. I don’t know the ideology of Ramsay, I just know that Gysi is on the left.

:Germany: :North_Rhine-Westphalia: Born in the Khalifat

Whales do exist! Don’t know why you keep writing it wrong

I’d like to see an alchemy update.

Make brewing feel more magic and just make it a bit more practical. Potions stackable to 16 or 4 or whatever. Let us make more things with potions more effects, higher levels of effects. Why shouldn’t we have level 10 speed potions. Give us a system to maybe condense and distill potions, mixing of effects. Make it so that potions can be stored in cauldrons like in bedrock. I would also like it to give a tiny bit of xp. I get that some effects shouldn’t be available as potions like dolphins grace. But nausea would be an awesome potion for tipped arrows.