"I'm going to call you Cain the Fourth"

And that, is why Mass Effect is a masterpiece.

He saw Shanks doing it with Lucky Roux once.

Yeah, this mission is a biiiiiitch, but mods bring a whole new fun level of challenge.

I honestly prefer 2. OTR is functionally better in almost every way (except survivor AI for some ungodly reason) but DR2 is my first DR, and that gives it a bias. Chuck having a daughter also brings a unique dynamic not seen anywhere else.

Nope. I wish they could've let BioWare do what they wanted for Legendary, to finally fix that crap.

Meh, who doesn't appreciate a bear chest?

Agreed, she's very underappreciated. She and Wanda are my favorite Minks.

Team ass, but I must content myself with fanart for that, since ass is a weak point in Oda's artstyle.

Yeah it does. The left one barely looks like him at all, honestly. Looks like a cosplayer.

So many soft beauties to snuggle up to. And tease~

Everybody looks different. It's just what happens when the game engine upgrades aren't seamless. Your Shep also looks different between ME1 and ME2.

Only enough to drop shields. Needed to get Shepard moving. XD

As GameGrumps said: Tenouttaten

Didn't try to. Still shot at during recruitment on Omega. XD

Grenade on the ground in front of the field, ready with overload, sabotage and/or biotics, shoot the field, detonate the grenade, fire at will

"Many people don't know this, but a Tatarin shares one similarity with a horse, in that they rear up as a sign of fear, aggression and even excitement. As you can see from this one's condition, it is being well-taken care of, so I would wager excitement to see its owner."

Let's see just how tight those holes remain~

You'd like her. Horned horny beauty that goes by busty_mommy_69 😏

In my opinion, 2001 everybody except Nami. She was always pretty but had a hell of a glow-up.

Also, 2001 Robin aeshetics with the 2024 body. Sensuality accentuated with rocking curves.

The only correct way to accept bribes. By getting paid to win.