But this is the thing that confuses me. You see some companies have deep pockets from investment and they can afford to reduce the price at significant level to compete even with newcomers whose app won’t have the equivalent features, i.e Amazon (its a different niche and market but the concept is the same).

So a new SaaS must come with something else to offer, even during the MVP, an innovative feature to actually compete strategically. You cant waste your resources on developing other usual features just to “be” in that market, if you get what I mean.

Any insights?

I prefer Nocodb; it's also fully featured. Baserow is a freemium-based model, but it is also very well made.
But there's also Grist and API Table. Very good stuff! I personally use Grist.

yep! and all of that for free. Crazy. And it's also very snappy.

I much prefer Net Ninja. Precise, short and to the point. Lots of practical, then I can redo myself. Colt ones got me confused, but he does cover most topics.

No just use the basic theme, or use Ollie theme. If you want blog go with Ghost cms. Static site go with Webflow.

Exactly - it is worthwhile for a big complex project with good budgets and team to work with it. Otherwise, Webflow is good enough for SMEs and agency work.

Me too felt the same way. Moving to webflow so I can create solution than fixing shit on wordpress. The extra time goes to developing a cool full stack app or experimenting on some tech stacks that I want for a project. Just moved to Webflow and wont look back.

Me too, develop custom theme for wp (that was good) but then the FSE and the whole WP framework takes a lifetime to master, not to mention broken plugin updates, im sick of wordpress. You need to be a full stack to really take advantage of wordpress to its max potential. Unless i have absolutely real need for wordpress, id rather use a headless solution or anythint else tbh. Also to not relying on overprice plugins, that breaks the site further. Im going for webflow, no more headaches.

If you know basic html css and js, just use webflow; as a dev centric approach. If you are a designer centric - use Framer. I will only use WordPress if I do custom theme or if its really need for complex site.

Webflow (dev centric) and Framer (designer centric)

Single moms - some really look for another man to love. Some just look for another good boy like Gus as a caretaker of them and their children. Rachel couldnt give a shit about Gus.

Rachel didnt give a shit about Gus. She do cares alot about her son. Gus is just the caretaker of her and her son. A convenience. Lots of good guys got caught like this, its pretty sad.

Yep she cares alot about her son but i can almost guarantee she doesnt give a shit about Gus other than him as a caretaker of her and her son.

Nah she is too mentally mature for Gus. Gus need someone who is not going to tie his hands around his back. Also the Max character was just annoying.

Its truth, let me put this rationally: once you dont look for a relationsip aka dont give a shit, you start acting like a normal guy who isnt desperate, hopeful or fearful of losing ie its like when you are in a business negotiation. Then you became more desirable naturally. Thats how you increase your value. People respond to value, no matter what it is.

Trust me just focus on the future. For the most part of my life, when things like that happened, God just averting me from bigger disaster. Learnt it felt the pain - now I just trust the flow. Whats meant for you will never misses you. Like each spoon of food that you feed yourself with, every grain of the wheat or rice was meant to be consume by you.

Change your perspective mindset:

Do you know how many billions of woman in this world, how many hundreds of thousands in your city, or thousands in your town? The probability of you meeting someone new is never zero unless your lifestyle prevents it. You increase that chance by fishing in a good pond (not app - this is artificial most of the time), heck even be polite and talk to girls increases that chances. Most importantly focus on your own self development, while youre single. Be nice to your parents, find a hobby, learn new skills. Once you are with someone, its a little harder to always do things you want. The surprise usually comes when you least looking for it.

Lastly, read this book - The System, by doc Love. Its an old book. But help you to weed those with red flags.

A watch, taken to a pawn, would value £50. To someone who knows its value, or simply really desire it, would pay anything for it. You need to position yourself by first understand your own self worth and value. Only then men will respond to this.

Also, sometimes the simple ones, shy, nerdy, with simple look, hobbies and life, are the ones who had lots of love, loyalty to give. By no means they are stupid, they are very clever. Ie programmers etc.

Lastly, if your frequency of meeting men of such kind - statistically you probably fishing at the wrong pond. Or possibly giving the wrong vibe too. Good luck :)

Wow, this is so cool. How do i even start to create my own variant of a language? Do I need to learn a low level language, then create a language on top of it?

Spot on man. I just want to learn something and get better at it, while not missing on the developing - learning journey on the roadmap path that I am interested in - JS tech stacks.

I'm leaving WordPress, too. It's a mess with lots of updates that mess things up. I can code everything from scratch if I want to or create my own WP theme—but Webflow is the sweet balance that allows you to focus on what really matters—delivering a product that serves its purpose for your client's requirements; minus the high maintenance cost and headache of managing/tinkering things. After 3 years I realised I can never fully understand WordPress without investing another 3 years into it, then I would be missing the latest technologies on other tech stack.

For serious work, I can always go to MERN stack or others. My interest has always been on JS and Python.

Net ninja. Any short course would do to teach you the basics of the topic. Approach the 20/80 rule on the subject at hand. Then immediately understand by doing projects. Some course like netninja don’t teach too much theoretical stuff and get you confused and bored, but its broke down to small chunks and doable projects.

Backup from panel or server backups are the most reliable ones imho

This is a good post. I didn’t start as a developer, rather had my PhD in cancer research, 2019. Then Covid came, I had to work online because nobody needed a lab guy other than immunologist for vaccines research etc. So I learn basic coding HTML, CSS, JS and PHP. I learnt the theme development and became a Wordpress developer during 1 year of Covid. Fast forward I own a tech agency now, and learnt about managing business (knowing ins and outs of business and entrepreneurship) and build products that customer needs (talk to them, understand their specs and requirements etc).

Occasionally for bigger projects, I hire senior devs and manage talents in my team (who knows much more than I do). So I learn alot from them from every projects and hurdles. I put some hours aside daily to work on my fundamental JS, PHP, and some JS framework. I utilise the 20/80 rule to be most effective. Being good at the 20% that I use most of the time (in a particular subjects). That being said. without LLM and chatgpt etc life would have been much harder for me. To help me write SOPs, documentation and explain a simple code or codebase what it does in plain English.

I doubt myself sometimes but after reading your post I felt relief that I wasnt the only one, feeling like an imposter. Truly, I love coding and I love building products, more so than lab research. Docs and AI helps, but having a real people to advice you once in a while is golden. The knowledge transfer you gain is alot than what some 3rd party tools can teach you sometimes imho.

Its just a compliment. Dont take it personally or let it go over your head. If you like her, show her. Then see if she reciprocates. Actions speak louder than words. She how she texts you. See how she organises her plan to be with you. See how she looks at you. Test her character subtly. Good luck man.