To me it’s just different audiences. And there’s overlap, sure. But there’s little denying that arts like film and television have a wider audience than ballet. It’s not necessarily about which is superior but it’s just different appeals.

I don’t know. I don’t think most of the 1990s movie going audience would sit through a ballet on stage. I think they were trying to make it friendly to that audience and that is why there’s some weird, broad stage acting that seems out of place in both a ballet and a movie. That said, I know my friend’s family always watches this on Christmas Eve.

In my house, we always watched the Girkland/Baryshnikov version around Christmas time, before the days you could see so many different productions on tv throughout the season every year.

I honestly think any serious, full length ballet like this would “flop” at the box office, when competing against things like Disney princesses or action packed special effects driven scenes. I just don’t think they have even remotely the same audience.

I won’t take a stance since obviously this is heresay from a rando on the internet, but I’ll keep an eye out for further evidence of what you’re saying.

His papyrus sketch is popular, but personally one of the things he’s done I care the least about.

Whoever is inspiring or writing or whatever in his work is doing something beautiful. I connect with it. There’s a unique voice in there, whoever it is.

Yeah that’s a good one, I hate him lol

She is beautiful most definitely and talented and funny.

There is sex in the show because it’s true to life and a great source of comedy. I don’t think anyone working on the show intended for people to find it arousing to that extent though.

Agreed. I also just wouldn’t think of her as “the hot one” though she is gorgeous.

Dong or Jacqueline is the hot one.

I also don’t hate Deirdre Robespierre. I think Coriolanus Burt is a better choice.

It’s fine if you think so but it seems like you post about the sexual aspects of it a lot and I actually dont think the show is meant to be titillating. I’m guessing you get some sort of sexual satisfaction from sharing your fetish online, and would suggest a community geared toward that to do so.

Yeah what you say makes sense. However I still think fuck them and she kind of did a good thing by making a fool of them. Just cause it was so disgusting the things he said.

You may be right but how do you know? Genuinely asking because I remember this but don’t think I followed every detail. I always thought he pissed her off being racist one too many times and so she decided to take him down basically but you are probably right.

No, I’m saying the burden of proof in a civil case regarding sexual assault has the same burden of proof that any other civil case has.

Why is sexual assault the one special thing we shouldn’t be able to sue for? Or are you against civil suits altogether ?

I’m perfectly fine with a preponderance of evidence in civil cases and proof beyond a reasonable doubt in legal cases. It seems like a decent system and I don’t think women are suing men for cash grabs, by and large. I think sexual assault victims have a hard time getting justice, for many reasons, and in some cases, they are able to get some form of it civilly because of the different burden of proof.

Not having proof beyond a reasonable doubt means it can’t be legally prosecuted. It doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Well I don’t know about this particular case.

But I completely, utterly, 1000000% disagree with your stance on civil sexual assault cases. They have the same burden of proof as any case civilly and are extremely hard to prove legally. The “justice” system currently does not have an adequate way of dealing with most sexual assault cases. Why on earth would sex crime victims in particular be not allowed to sue??? It’s a weird stance to have tbh unless you think that there just shouldn’t be civil trials at all for anything ?

Oh yeah it’s not like we saw a video of him chasing a woman, beating her down, and dragging her back to his room. Diddy is just such a stand up guy who would never do the shit they say, right?

It’s negated by him spending his nights and most of his time with the other person because he can only live with one person as far as I can conceive.


I mean there’s a difference in getting shit faced on vacation with your friends and doing it in public when you’re supposed to be performing. I think seeing it in the first context doesn’t set alarm bells off in quite the same way. To think this is her, day in day out, even when it’s a very inappropriate setting, wasn’t really seen until her later seasons/present day.

Ok but a second family is hardly the same as “a side piece” if he is indeed living with the second family. You don’t have your primary residence with a side piece, I would say it’s even baked in to the definition.

What did I make up? I didn’t make anything up, or base what I said on the headline at all. I told an anecdote about my life in response to your anecdote, which was in response to someone pointing out that though a four day work week happens in Belgium, it isn’t “standard” in the sense that Greece’s six day is becoming standard. and then I simply asked you a question, which you answered indirectly.

Yes absolutely less safe and less accepted in pretty much every way than now. The last 15-20 years have been basically the most accepted time for lgbt+ folks, even though there is still a lot of prejudice and discrimination, and people are constantly still using trans lives as some sort of political bargaining chip.


She was talking about he “lady gardens”. It’s meant to be a double entendre

Oh I certainly understand why but just wanted to know where you live that 4 days is so common . Only rich business owners or people who work 10 hour shifts commonly work four day weeks where I’m from.

You were originally talking about 4 days where it isn’t standard. Then said you don’t know anyone working six days. So either way we are talking about knowing of people working more or less than a standard 5 day.

Yes, they are mandated by law to pay extra the 6th day. Of course those who need the income of day 6, and have to take a second job, don’t get that benefit. Sadly the five day work week simply does not pay enough for many to not work a second job.

And where is a 4 day work week the standard?

Where are you from? Where I’m from it’s quite normal to have a standard 5 day week, then work for 1.5X the wages on day 6, or have a second “weekend” job. Not standard necessarily but extremely normal.