Let me tell you a couple or three things. Forget Gilneas; forget Calia, who goes over to Horde and never comes back; forget my son, Liam...

Count Dooku

I love Zam, she's one of my pet characters, but my disappointment remains immeasurable that the shapeshifting assassin didn't put on a new face in that club.

Sure, maybe Force hacks would've betrayed her either way, but when you're a shapeshifting assassin that feels like the least effort owed.

Talk some more shit, bitch. We are CALLing thE COPS.

They can't really take the Skins approach because the only characters with anything in the way of arcs were Rue, Cal, Kat, and Cassie, and the latter two were awfully developed. When a season's grand finale is largely a barrage of references to shit people remember from the first, actually good season you know it's a bust.

Sasuke summoning Manda, collaring him with genjutsu, jumping into his mouth, and warping to the snake cave while observably depleted on chakra, all in the time it took for an explosion to detonate, certainly felt like a big one.

Two sets, two Darias, two Janes, and not a single Quinn. That's crazy.


Coco shreddies :9685:

Kowloon. That's all you need to know.

Hard to say. Their themes certainly overlap, but Skins pioneered the genre for its day and Euphoria is far from the first to follow the formula. I will say Nate is basically a more violent Tony with zero redeeming qualities instead of two.

I never really registered this as a malapropism; media has so inured me to the idea of liquid gold that this particular metaphor was completely lucid to me.

Thespian Extraordinaire

Amelyssan. Bhaal yanking her soul back from the great dark beyond not as an "honour," as it is for the Bhaalspawn ghosts, but as a punishment for that shit she pulled in Throne of Bhaal 20 years ago was my favourite call back in the game.

Thespian Extraordinaire

Bodhi IMO. "Friendly" interactions with her contribute more to the plot than any with Linvail and Athkatla is probably a better place with both their guilds gutted.

The problem with RA is she had all the development she needed confined to a photograph. Her mystique was gradually stripped away as the first game's episodes rolled on to reveal a troubled teen whose precocious living led her to a tragic end. We're left with the impression that Chloe romanticised this girl and either misjudged or blinded herself to what was really in her heart.

BtS took more away from the character than it added. For all the character shilling she got from Samuel et al in the first game, she came off as a really basic bitch in the flesh, and the need to keep her pure in Chloe's eyes hamstrung how far the narrative could delve into the stuff that actually made her compelling.


Who... who are you?


Everyone gushes over Kirin but for me, his standout moment was shedding his curse mark skin then nuking Itachi from underground.

only police department you've ever seen is when you was behind the bars, lookin' out

I love all of them, but I feel like I appreciate Ourumov more with every GoldenEye rewatch.



give it a go bajs :9676:

It's almost as if condemning hundreds of people to death so you could elope with a deeply troubled friend you reconnected with for all of two weeks in your teens was going to have adverse effects on both your psyches, not to mention your relationship, as you grew older and the weight of that decision pressed down...

Although FWIW I'd hedge a bet that this AU stars BayMax, not BaeMax. I imagine her disposition would be far, far different if she were carrying around a town's worth of ghosts rather than just her lost Lenore, not least of all since DE lets you reframe the dynamic this Max had with Chloe.

Big ups Kelly playing the long con. The modular mansion and Jordie's latest cosmetic truck purchase will fetch pretty pennies when a banquet meal too many ends the stream with a negative K/D


I refuse to watch sponsored streams no matter the shit he's shilling so -1 regard :9680: