But - the irons and wedges may start hitting the shafts of your woods and driver which may damage them.

This is the main reason many people do it the opposite of OP

I probably would have picked it up as well, but like OP stated, it's not their job to babysit someone else's clubs.

If you know the specific label alcohol you want, ask for it. If you order a "vodka soda", you're going to get their cheapest well vodka. Or they may ask if you want whatever their popular "upgrade" vodka is, like asking if you want Tito's. If you wanted a specific vodka such as Stoli, you'd order a Stoli and soda and they'll tell you if they don't have Stoli. If you're requesting something a little more niche, you'd could ask if they have that particular vodka first, then order accordingly.

The biggest thing to be aware of is that if you don't specify which brand, you're going to get the cheapest swill they have.

I'm not sure why there are multiple references to captain and coke in here. It's not even a great example since Captain Morgan is a spiced rum. Someone ordering a "rum and coke" is ordering a different drink than a "captain and coke".

Yeah, but that proshop markup is gonna hurt

Fantasy football has a huge influence. More people probably know the 3rd receiver on the Texans than the best defensive lineman.

Got paired up with a twosome last weekend. Actually, a guy and his spectator GF in one cart and his buddy in another cart. The two guys were sharing a bag of clubs while riding in separate carts. They sucked. They were slow. They looked too long for balls they shouldn't have lost to begin with, then attempted to play them out of knee high grass.

I'm pretty chill and my GF even more so. We tried to coach them up on ready golf and pace of play. Eventually lost my cool when the entire course was open ahead of us and it was a traffic jam behind.

Pour a bucket of water into the floor drain. If the water goes down, the floor drain is fine. The pipes are condensate drains, and water is supposed to come out of them on occasion.

The water pooling around the floor drain could be the pvc cracked/leaking or the discharge just not lined up with the drain hole. It could also be a clogged floor drain (the bucket test will tell you).

My head says "you're right", but my heart says "fuck Nebraska"

Sort of a French cleat type hanger for the lower handle. Let that do all the load bearing. Then if you can secure the upper latch, something could hook into that to keep the top from leaning out.

I don't watch a ton of pro golf. I know names but very few personalities. My opinion of Bryson was basically formed off of past r/golf discussion that made him out to be a jerk. Then someone posted his presser after the PGA and I thought he came off as relatable and charismatic.

There's definitely a degree of stanning going on with him in this sub at the moment. But if you spend time in other sports subs, you'll re organize this as a common theme. A segment of fans are constantly labeling heroes and villains based on very little actual knowledge of who these people are.

Are they just called European or are they only available in Europe.

Cuz all my cabinets have them and I live in florida

Seems like you answered your own question

I'm just gonna say that there are some big differences in how things are done in different parts of the country. In my area, you would almost never see exposed flashing in this application. They use rolled aluminum and it would look like shit to leave it exposed.

Kind of looked like a swallow. Those things like to act tough when you're near their nest. Who's the apex predator now, tough guy?

GAF and Certainteed still make a white 3 tab. "White" and "Star White"

The worst is when they accept the "fuck you price". Usually it still doesn't feel worth it.

Absolutely in the northern half of the US. In the eighties, white was easily the most popular color in my Midwestern state and I was still installing them well into the 90s. They even made white architectural style shingles (that looked awful). In fact, the trend towards darker colors was a hot topic in my area due to homeowner concerns over increased cooling costs, believe or or not.

Realistically, with proper insulation, shingle color shouldn't impact heating and cooling the home. But we all know how often homes are poorly insulated.

Flip the breaker off, then try to run your hvac appliances. Good chance it's just poorly labeled.

It's not pointless. It prevents them from nesting.

You have to be really aggressive before/during nesting season. Once they nest in the area, you're stuck with them. OPs pic likely isn't a migrating flock, they're settled in for the year.

Used to work for a city and we had a guy that used a remote control boat contraption to chase them away from all the ponds in the parks in early spring. Pissed off a lot of nature lovers, but geese are assholes and the parks were better off for it. A lot of places will use decoys or silhouette coyotes/dogs around the pond area to keep them from landing/nesting.

It's been a long time since I've been to a strip club, and things may have changed. Also, what's allowed varies greatly from one place to the next. All that said, motorboating and using your mouth to place dollars like he did is pretty standard strip club activity. The dancer being "extra friendly" is also the act they put on to squeeze you for more money. It's highly unlikely she did anything for free.

White shingles used to be the most common color by a pretty large majority.