I didn't have high school bullies but I still think about the middle school ones from time to time and how bad their life had to have been.

Can’t believe slowdive is playing Austin twice this year, so cool!

I don’t think I’ve ever seen prosciutto come in a package like this aside from the stuff they sell at the grocery store.

I thought it was nothing for me too until I started taking a probiotic and almost never get them now.

Hot dogs, in concept I feel like I should love them but the taste of the meat just grosses me out.

I’m not sure why I’m being recommended this sub considering I hate hot dogs 😢

They're ok but definitely not a fan. I like nicer quality olives.

Taylor swift the drake of pop except somehow worse

A Tesla driver got rear ended and pulled a gun on the other driver near my job lol…

Crazy thing is a lot of the people I know who smoke are republicans…

Someone should try to shoot sukuna and see what happens

I really heard about it last year but people had told me to watch/read it in the past. Then I started watching the anime after I heard JJk took inspiration from it and now it’s one of my favorite pieces of media. I plan on reading thru the manga soon.

Just looks like normal apartments… I wish we had this system in the US