
I taught myself how to crochet so I thought knitting would just happen easily once I tried it out.... haha.. NOPE

Carbs and sugar does this to me so I went keto/carnivore. I can still eat A LOT, but I don't mindlessly need to eat like on a SAD diet. For the last month, my diet has been terrible. Nothing but bingefest bc my body isn't satisfied with stupid amounts of horrible carbs and sugary shit so keeps telling me MORE MORE MORE.

I'd suggest looking in to keto/low carb. Carbs don't have to be as low as keto is, but reducing how much you eat and replacing with healthy fats could help.

I wish I was coordinated enough. I would instantly trip myself and fall on my face.

Sure, you get to do whatever you want... YOU just have to pay for it now.. oh and now you gotta worry about your health more so can't really eat whatever you want either.

Staying up for the New Year in general is very overrated.

I have a FB friend that does this. I don't need to see every bump and scrape her kids have. I don't need to see the lunches she packs for them. When her step daughter started posting heavily filtered thirst trap photos to her own social media, she'd post those too and how "proud" she was of her. She stopped posting about her when the girl moved out to go live with her birth mother instead.

She's just... ugh. Typical online all the time type that follows the popular thing.

How the stock market works. Even when people put it as simply as they possibly can, my brain just refuses to understand any of it.

Lets Read - Good for when I'm folding clothes

Reaction channels- Yes I know. They're my go to if I just don't want to watch anything else. I can only watch particular ones though. They have to talk, but not too much. I can't stand it when they talk over everything and miss stuff. Or if it's reacting to a music video, I can't stand it when they constantly pause and rewind or pause and don't rewind for a second. Minimal pausing with a rewind of a few seconds... that's it. A music video that's 3-4mins shouldn't have a frickin half hour long react video for it.

Yeah, I watched one of the mixing stuff videos and have skipped the rest of them. I just.... don't care what color, flavor, whatever a bunch of makeup or candles or whatever is going to turn out.

Lets Read is a good one if you want something to listen to while doing other junk

If you feel like you don't want to be on it, talk to you doctor about it.

I asked to be taken off of it after being on it for 15 years. I just got tired of taking it and asked if I could stop and my NP was fine with it. What surprised me was that the "food intolerances" that I thought I had turned out to be metformin side effects still. I had just lived with it for so long and couldn't remember if I had diarrhea problems before starting metformin. For some reason I just assumed metformin side effect must've went away so the diarrhea I was having ALL THE TIME was from getting older and getting intolerant of stuff.

Can not tell you how great it feels not having diarrhea all the damn time. Not having "Oh god, I need a bathroom NOW or I'm going to shit all over myself" diarrhea. I've been living with that for 15 years.

Just had this experience a few months ago. Husband and I thought this movie was goofy but funny.

We rewatched it few months ago and I couldn't stand it.

Legally Blonde is one that I just can't stand to watch. The stupid bend and snap part. It pisses me off at how absolutely dumb that part of the movie is.


I wouldn't have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes so my baby would've been HUGE as I continued to eat whatever I wanted and I wouldn't have been able to push them out.

I only know the name of one of my neighbors bc our kids play with one another sometimes. I don't know any of the other neighbors and I'm fine with that TBH. I'm shy though so I'm not going out of my way to get to know anyone, but if they wanted to talk and get to know me, I'd be fine with it. But yeah... it's not how it used to be. I remember when I was younger, knowing all the neighbors around us.

Hmm, now that you ask, I don't think I've ever had any of those in a dream before. At least nothing that I remember.

I made a f2p account just to see how difficult it is. I had to fish (with an autoclicker) for almost a week to get the huge corgi from that.

If you can use an autoclicker, I would suggest fishing overnight and whenever you're not actively playing. You're not going to get the huge overnight (unless you're really lucky), but it's an easy way to get one for a f2p player.

I'm half Korean. My husband is white.

It was weird when I learned that they didn't take their shoes off in their home. But then I learned that his parents are hoarders so... I understood why real quick.

Seems that's what most of the posts are. At least the upvoted ones. In conspiracy sub.... it's suspicious how completely 100% ppl are against this particular one.

I can't remember where in Germany this place was, but my husband got a pepper steak. Was this HUGE piece of beef, cooked rare and holy shit was it the most tender, most delicious piece of food I've ever eaten.

Thankfully I just use mine for hobby stuff so I'm not using it that regularly. Even still, I'm sure if my husband knew that you could only use it online, he would've gotten me something else (it was a Christmas present)

My cats drink from my open top all the time. No idea how safe it actually is, but they're all healthy kitties


Love my derpy shadow so much