Bro, this is delusional. I had a fiancé do the same shit and I was stupid enough to propose again and go into debt further. She just likes watching the monkey dance. Run.

Being a physician and not being able to make money. My moms husband, invented the drug Lipitor. Like he discovered the ways to make water soluble cholesterol drugs and worked developing viagra and celebrex and many other massive drugs most people in the world consume daily. Dude sat on the board of Lipid advisors for St. Jude’s. He has owned homes in almost every highly sought after neighborhood but always bought them right before the value increased by ten fold. So, here where I don’t understand, every house he bought, he sold for almost the exact price he paid…like it’s confusing as fuck. My mom would blame it on the real estate market. But my parents never accepted offers for asking because they didn’t trust the people???? I always thought, “Wtf does that even mean, they are buying it from you and we are moving???” Never ever ever could they give a real reason why they couldn’t make money off real estate. It fucked their lives up so bad they lost money on a sale of property that they owned outright…They even ended up in a single bedroom apartment in West Virginia and complained about not being able to have ever made money off their houses….then I learned there are people out there who can be extremely talented in one thing like law or surgery or warfare or hell even bagging groceries someone can be extremely talented at because it translates directly to logistics l. There is also a term for people who think because they are so good and successful at one thing it automatically should translate into every aspect of life. That’s not the case. I realized he can do only one thing very well which happens to be something very skilled and requiring a high level of intelligence. It’s really sad, as a result I was raised to believe it was okay to go around towns and open new bank accounts if I needed cash and close them after they went negative. Then use part of the cash from another bank that gave a bonus for opening an account to pay off the negative of another or just ignore it. My mom and dad taught me to do that for money when I turned 15. We lived in a giant property an hour away from anything and my mom hated driving me places or helping me in any way so she I guess thought that is what she should teach me. I learned later on that was illegal and my financial education and habit are either horrible and destructive or just non existent. Still to this day do not understand how they are still so clueless and blame everyone else.

Good marketers don’t rely solely on analytics. Analytics are just their as a reference for your work.

My mom bought some of these in Hawaii in the 90’s just ornamental tourist stuff

Seriously it’s no joke, please don’t start working on HV if you do not understand HV.

A 22mm will definitely shred a tree, I’ve seen it shred a pirate ship in the Indian Ocean.

Yeah, but you can shoot and knock a tree down in real life

We could do testing and have volunteers for berthing partnerships for purely procreation…wait, they made a show about this…

They are a peaceful breed, the owners must have trained them to dismantle auto mobiles….

Boeing is hiring, I hear they just got rid of a couple more people from their payroll

That’s actually a great example of job disparity. Women get a double standard and are more often than not accepted to have resume gaps. Men are not are punished by society for having resume gaps. We need equality.

Omfg this is awesome, I love how “smart” humans always turn out to be fucking retarded…like wtf did you all really think was going to happen. Lol we’re all fucked now and all you dumb physicists who can’t see past a second or third order are solely to blame. Everyone who can see the fourth or further knew this was going to happen. Fucking idiots.

You sound like you’re not saying the full story and your daughter will hopefully stop speaking to you forever soon.

Lol what did you learn, flippers are the scum of the earth and have contributed massively to destroying our housing market over the past 40 years.

That’s normal behavior these days, the justice system isn’t setup for this