Check with the base commander's office? They might have someone who handles stuff like this, dog is almost certainly from the base housing, at Sandia we had two huskies that continually escaped from the back yard of one of those houses they have towards the east end of the base and they always found their way down to our building for some reason. My coworker found the contact info for some security liaison and they came and got the dogs.

Do not redeem, ser.

The ducks are silly but IMO not anywhere near as offensive as Jeeps that have $$$$$ dumped into them to reduce their offroad performance and/or turn them into attention getting devices. I kinda want to watch a Jeep hit a nasty pothole at speed and watch them go flying all over the interior though.

I bought the same one and mine has been running fine so far, only 500 rounds in with the majority of those being subs with a can. A single fail to feed which may have been attributable to cheap ammo I had on hand, I'm running syntech exclusively now which has been perfect. I'm planning on just replacing the ejector spring every 1000 rounds and calling it good, in the grand scheme for a "fun gun" that's not bad IMHO.

Any reason to run one of these on a Banshee?

2x SBR, 6x Silencer

 If price is any sort of object buy the BCM and put the rest of the budget down on a can.  Today.

“Mmmm, what are you wearing baby?”

“Sugar I ain’t got on shit but a pair of 2700 FoM L3’s in a Katana housing”


2x SBR, 6x Silencer

Lexi? F that h o e

Agreed on all of this, I have an older Sig Tango 6 2-12 on my SPR which is heavy and has a somewhat outdated milling reticle with no parallax, but the glass is great and it's been very durable, I'd like something more modern but like you said there's a dearth of higher end options for this section of the market.

2x SBR, 6x Silencer

Syntech is GOAT for 9mm subs, other subs I've shot are noticeably louder.

They THROW money at these places, budgets are not the issue.

Absolutely brutal. Though in truth I wouldn't wish his job on my worst enemy.


The non-locking elevation turret triggers my autism ferociously but I hear people who own them say it's not a big deal, that your experience?