Played against someone who did sea creatures. It was awesome!

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I’ve been at it for 1.5 years. I don’t know how long your journey has been so I’ll start with assuming you just started even if that isn’t the case.

10 days ain’t shit. Respectfully. I have 2week periods where I won’t lose any weight. And then it will fall off of me in the course of 2 days. I weigh in everyday and log it. Most days I’m the same as yesterday and then I’ll drop a pound. Watch the graph not the daily weight gain or loss.

Walking while incredibly low impact can still cause inflammation if you’re doing a lot of it or aren’t used to it. This too will pass. Pretty soon it will be normal for your body.

Are you tracking correctly? Like I said I don’t know if you’ve been at this for 100lbs already or just getting started. Are you tracking butter and oils? Those late night snacks? Drinks?

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This is something I’ve always struggled with. Volume eating helps. Check out R/volumeeating but for me there is really no magic bullet. I can eat a normal dinner and side eye a large pizza knowning I can crush the entire thing. Heck last week I went out to eat with some friends and no joke ate 2-3000 calories at a pizza buffet.

I’ve been losing weight for about 1.5 years. I don’t look at my dinner last week as a loss because I planned it. But if it helps you only need to win more than you lose. This is a life long process.

Can confirm. I bought a jeep. Absolutely love the way it looks, shots expensive though.

I proxy entire decks now. Then if I really like them I slowly buy singles to fill them. But in reality, if someone doesn’t want to play vs proxy’s don’t play with them. Proxy in the same power level. Don’t bring a power LVL 8 deck to a precon table.

Hey all I built a koma slowly over the course of months. I noticed it has some short falls when playing. Lack of fast mana, missing some of the good counterspells, missing some koma protection. I would prefer to leave these “weaknesses in the armor.” But I’ve been saying it’s high 7 low 8.

After a year of playing I hit my first ace today. So, no. But I also had to flex that I joined the club.

I have a female friend who has this mat and absolutely loves it. She brings it to the lgs when we go.

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I’m sure when I’m at my goal weight I’ll feel that at 223 I was unhealthy. But comparatively I’m so much healthier but mentally and physically.

I don’t have an issue with sore joints, I can run, I sweat a lot less and get cold. My sleep feels restful. I don’t debate going to the forever box daily.

Life is legitimately amazing.

I’m making a windgrace deck and I was on the fence about it until I realized you’d get 5/3 elementals for everyland if you did it right.

If that’s the case. Check out my Malcolm and kediss deck. It’s “fringe” cedh and you can replace some of the higher cost cards to reduce the price $300 to get it into your range.

I put it In my tenth doctor rose Tyler deck. I end up taking extra turns and I’ve got it to pop off 2-3 times. One time due to stealing someone’s vorinclex.

I made a koma deck that is pretty fun. I only added sol ring for fast mana and I run it in 8 power lobbies. It is usually a threat. Doesn’t always win but hot damn is it fun.

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I’ve lost about 160lbs. Starting at 5XL the first downsize was 3xl shirts. Now 1xl shirts and size 38 pants. Pants need another down size and shirts are almost ready to go to large. I’m holding off on both due to owning so many xl shirts at the moment.

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I’m not sure if you would consider me close to my goal, but I’m about 46lbs away. I’ve been losing weight for about 1 year 8 months.

I go through weird cycles of hating my body and feeling sexy as hell. My biceps look built when I flex, but when I’m looking in the mirror and really scrutinizing my self I look like a thin man in a skin suit that doesn’t fit quite right.

I would say this is normal and I plan to talk to a therapist if my self image gets too bad. My forearms are one of the few things on my body that doesn’t have lose skin. So my veins are very prominent. On bad body image days I focus on my forearms being a non scale victory and it helps a lot.

If you’re playing in a high powered pod or a cedh pod I strongly recommend proxying. If you love the deck slowly buy singles to replace them if you want or just keep playing proxy. I started doing this and I’m so glad I did. Some of my highest power decks are some of the least fun to pilot. But if my friend busts out his tournament deck I can hang. My chill mid powered meren deck I’ve replaced the proxies because I loved playing it so much and wanted to “pimp” it out.

If I end up playing against rusko or Baal I concede because I know how the game is going to go. They will counter almost everything I have to do. I with either get a big bad on the field or I will be locked out. It matters not and I only have a limited amount of time to play and I don’t want to waste it. They still get the win so idc.

Joined a tournament this week. Recreational was “throws 6+ above par” intermediate “2-3 above par” advanced “below par” I throw below par on this course and figured I would join intermediate. I was dead last in intermediate. Not only did I under perform but also the others were better than I had expected.

I don’t mind I placed low, but it was eye opening. I did have a good time and I’ll go again next year.

I work for a non profit with teens. I run tournaments. I ran into it where one or two would have CEDH lvl decks while the other guys would have precons or less. I started mass ordering proxies for high dollar cards. It has been the most financially healthy for our setting.

They had commander legends for the same price. I bought one and got a jeweled lotus a couple of days ago. But the other sets don’t have a lot.

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I used to be horribly depressed. Disappear for months no contact, debate suicide everyday kinda depressed. My mental health has significantly improved. It probably won’t work for everyone but it worked for me.

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I bought the yellow great value brand. I think it’s generic Splenda. I like it. A friend bought the great value stevia and it was absolute crap.

I sleep between 5-8 hours most nights. 8 being rarely. My greatest weight loss is when I’m getting 7 or more hours but that also coincides with me working myself harder so I sleep more.

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Totally agree. I used to have old fast food like you and gas station food stops. Now I have spare clothes I change into, gardening equipment and disc golf stuff. I never thought about that. Thank you.

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I’ve heard of a 0cal natural sweetener. I can’t for the life of me remember the name though.