1 Transaction | New

Interested if still available

Is this still working, or is it depreciated?

What are your thoughts so far of the defy?

Thinks that's a typo. 2450 pts is under 180k

Will do. Just starting back up. He is saying he had huge defensive advantage. Won't tell me cause I'll attack again very soon. It's killing me

He said a couple times it was preventable. So not sure what it could be

He has more cities than me. He was taking units out much more easily than before

He says its something I can prevent. So don't think it's that

We are currently taking a break. But he had an artillery in the capital. But after we came back from the last break he forgot that he could do something, and then started defending very well. He says that once he tells me i will think its stupid and easily preventable. Thats all i know. Dont know if its a wonder or something, but i have no clue. Maybe its like a game mechanic a new player like me just wouldnt know

Advice Taking a CapitalDiscussion

I am very new to this game, its my third one.

I am trying to take my friends capital. I was so close at some point, we had to stop and then we came back. He started doing way more damage to my ships then before. He wont tell me how he is doing this until after the game, but he says its preventable on my part. I have no idea what he is doing, but would like to stop this if i can. He is ethiopia if that matters and we are in the modern age

2 Transactions | New Seller

Interested if available

[WTB] Arcteryx Squamish Mens SmallWant to Buy

Had one of these and somehow lost it right after my hrp hike. Looking to get another


I have already enhanced once after creation with a great person. So what should I do

Good to know. But is there any point of building the hagia Sophia not in my capital and in a city that has yet to have the religion adopted. This would allow building machu piccu in my capital

Hagia Sophia Building in a non converted city, Need ClarificationDiscussion

I am currently working on the Hagia Sophia in my second city. It has 4 turns left. However the city itself has not yet converted to my religion, it has no religion and mine is the most influential. Is there any point in switching it over to my capital which will take 5 turns.

Also the city that i do not build it in i will be building Machu Picchu in

Also, when building world wonder half way through with one city, can you switch cities and have it transfer over the amount already worked towards the wonder?


No idea. Just hiked the HRP last year and am from the US as well. So don't really know about snow conditions. But if the gr10 isn't doable now, the gr11 would also not be. Has more high passes and higher passes than the gr10. To get more info you could join the HRP or gr10 Facebook groups, they are pretty upto date on conditions there. If you are comfortable with ice axe and spikes/crampons you could for sure do it

I haven't looked at conditions but the gr10 might be too early. If it is not. I would definitely recommend the gr11 over the gr10. And the HRP over both of those trails by a long shot

I've watched some of his stuff, but watching youtube videos, its very hard to reference things that i dont remember. Also there are things that arn't covered

its brave new world.
so it would be not beneficial for the gold to take it?
also would taking the city help improve culture. It seems pretty bad a +20, i want to get policies

Im just trying to find good resources to read up on to understand the mechanics.

i dont care if my game is lost, i am trying to understand what to do in certain situations. Its my third game

There are 2 continents. I am on one with someone with 4 cities. They are going for a cultural victory.

The other continent i believe it is 4 and 3. The person with 4 is landlocked and is turtleing. Most likely going for a science. The other i am not sure, they are a newb as well.i am going to be going for statue of liberty right now. This is Civ V.

I just have a okay amount of gold, dont think i can do science or domination

"You are at a stage in the game where the diplo consequences for conquering are getting higher'

Not sure what this is