I’ve never seen anything like this before dude. Lessons.

The very few conservatives in your life don’t matter. The many I know will.

If you don’t have a good sense of smell it’s probably a great career.

Do you? It doesn’t mean any reduction of hours.

In what way is it interesting? Do you not know the definition of it?

Sexual deviance is not equal to reproduction. With modern birth control you can have as much sex as you want and basically never get pregnant.

You should absolutely never be pulling out or using a firearm unless it is completely necessary. I’ll succeed sometimes people use guns when it’s not necessary but those people usually go to prison.

If you’re in a situation that actually requires a firearm, taking the time to attempt to use a non-lethal force will most likely kill you before you get a second try at it.

Since you comment without being in any possible way aware, people still work 40 hours, just before Friday at noon or two or whatever.

You guys are gonna go insane once he’s sworn in as president again

It’ll get turned over in the appeal because it was a sham.

In baseball, I’ve seen a lot of this with younger switch hitters.

Natural direction, they hit the ball a little harder. But the other way, they get an entirely clean slate to learn real proper form. They go back to the basics because it feels unnatural swinging lefty as unnatural as good technique feels to a beginner.

If she feels better lefty, I would say go left handed.

Or be a weirdo and have her hit some stuff right handed, some stuff left handed. There was some pro that I think hits wedges and putter left handed but everything else right handed, or the opposite?

Edit: If her concern really is power, she will probably get more power doing a swing properly and controlled than swinging hard right handed.

This is basically why all men are like “why do these ladies hit so much more consistent???” Because they’re not going home and feeling like they have a tiny peepee because their friend hit a 9 iron on a par 3 when they hit a 7 iron, which men have to work hard to avoid.

Elon would come to that exact conclusion and the entire internet would say “he’s insane!” even though he’s completely correct.

The idea that Bill Gates, who’s charity is constantly dumping out inconceivably high amounts of money to charities every year does any thing anymore for him to personally enjoy wealth is possibly the silliest thing I’ve ever heard.

Please spend one second learning. Look up all the things the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation funds. I personally know various people whose non-profits benefiting the least fortunate of us, are funded almost entirely by that foundation. So no, he’s not acquiring money so he can buy more bon bons with it.

Bezos doesn’t even run Amazon anymore.

Elon is doing many things that requires capital but while he does seem nuts, the idea that he’s scrooge mcduck sitting in a pile of money is also ridiculous. He needs the money to run his crazy companies but to say it’s to have more money is completely incorrect.

Let’s play this game first.

Do you think a single person in the entire world was TRULY under the impression that Trump has never said that word?

Let’s play another one. Do you genuinely believe Joe Biden has NEVER said that word?

It truthfully sounds like he really did not fully understand the situation and if it made you uncomfortable, simply have a conversation with him saying not to do such things.