Then perhaps use a different title, since the vast majority of people don't get any further than that?

It's just bonkers to me that democrats are pushing this. I mean, are you kidding me? Not a snowballs chance in hell she would win against Trump. What planet do these folks live on?

I don't find the size difference from my D7000 to my D780 anything at all to speak of...that said, I'm a domesticated bigfoot, so maybe I just don't notice.

What I do find to be bulky and heavy are all the "fast glass" that I use with it. My 600mm lens is a bit on the heavy side, as are my "holy trinity" lenses. But I'm not dragging all of them out to shoot nature, and a single telephoto and body is nothing to speak of. Not to mention, a crop sensor camera with the 600mm is going to be equally as heavy.

That said, I'm glad you're able to take some nice pictures with what you've got...that's the point, after all.

Yeah, the lenses hurt a bit due to price, but like you said, lots of used options (I've only bought two lenses new, the rest are used and work just fine). And they're so much nicer than the crop lenses.

The really fucked up part about this timeline is, he'd probably win.

That said, I know absolutely nothing about him, aside from the fact he's super duper internet famous, and seems to do good stuff.

I went from a D7000 to a D780 and was absolutely blown away. The full frame cameras are so much better it's almost ridiculous.

If you've got the cheddar, go for the full frame.

I honestly don't get it. I see all the posts of these, and people are just foaming at the mouth with how "awesome" they are.

All I see is a too small (I'm a domesticated bigfoot) pistol that shoots a stupidly expensive round (aren't the "cheap" ones nearly a buck a round?)...and you pay a premium for it.

Would I buy an MP7 if I could get a real one, despite the expensive ammo? Possibly. But then you'd be getting HK quality...not whatever this is.

Let me just say: thank you for this. Nothing angers me more than when companies tell you "You MUST use this, you don't get a choice" (if I wanted to deal with that BS, I'd have an iPhone). So thanks for helping me disable that garbage.

Lens or not, they're burning through the unless the bikes are also geared short, it's honestly pretty awesome.

That's the most amazing part to me. Dude was running that bike so damn hard, and then I realized that he had a rider on the back. Unbelievable.

down right criminal behavior from cops

I'll be honest, this is the biggest reason I EDC. Not because I have any kind of even remote thought of getting into a gun battle with the cops, but because as soon as you hand over your permit they put you in a "different class" of folks and treat you differently (if you're not white, your mileage may vary...RIP Philando Castile).

I swear on all that is holy this happens to me just about any time I toss something I've been holding on to for a while.

Oh, that cord you tossed that you've had in that drawer for YEARS without knowing what it goes to? Yeah, this thing over here needs one, and they're $50 on Amazon.

Just another vote for what /u/AEAMMO1 said, CCI Standard and Auto Match are the vast majority of what I shoot. I also shoot a bunch of Eley, but that's another animal altogether.

Dunno about your TX22, but my Sig P322 eats Auto Match all day long.

I mean, he's pretty similar to the vast majority of "proud" Christians I've met living in the Bible Belt. The truly "Christ like" ones are quite rare.

Giving me PTSD flashbacks from working Sunday brunch and getting all those fake $20 bible verses. That shit made me see red...always wanted to go and stick it in their collection plate, but then I'd have to go to church (and fuck that).

I think I remember reading that in Pompeii there is ancient graffiti that essentially says "Such and such was a whore" again, we haven't changed at all, haha.

It's not the military you'll be's the Trump sycophants that will "stand back and stand by" and kill you because they thought you were a democrat (like the guy in Ohio killed his neighbor...or the woman store owner with the pride flag).

That's who you need a gun for, as sad as that fact might be (the cops sure as shit aren't helping; "some of those who work forces..."). Like you said, you're not doing squat about the military (Neal Brenan summed that up quite nicely), but they aren't your problem.

I always wanted a Tacoma...thought it would make an awesome off road truck, that also doubled as an "actual" truck. Today's version is bigger than the Tundra I had back when I was looking at the Tacoma.

I can get behind this trend. I've got a S&W Airweight that I EDC'd for like 15 doesn't look much better, haha. I'm honestly surprised at how much it wore off the finish.

I've been tempted to send it back to S&W for a refresh...but it still goes "bang" just fine.

Say what now?

I need to find this to YouTube!