That’s how I learnt everything. Mum just left it on my bed. How times have changed my 12 year old straight out asked me at the dinner table what a BJ was.

My 4 year old had to use the bathroom there on Saturday afternoon. There were people shooting up in the toilet. They were very apologetic when they saw my son. But I have never felt unsafe there.

I’m a 50 year old women and took up roller skating and got into skate fit. I train with a roller derby team. I’m terrible and don’t play. Just train. So much fun.

My pet rabbit. He is so cute and I love patting him he makes me feel so calm in my crazy chaotic life.

No one has ever offered to help us with my 12 year old sunflower lanyard. We still have to do everything the same as everyone else. Big lines lots of standing (which he finds hard). I asked for help once at Sydney airport and got ignored.

Lady (Duke) Gingernut Winklestone the 3rd. Cats need long names with cute short names.

I took My son to Tesla in Melbourne for his 7th birthday. I rang the dealership and explained our situation (loved Tesla but we’re not going to buy one). They gave us a test drive, a matchbox size Tesla car and all the staff signed a card. Take great. He is 12 now and still his best birthday

Are the autumn colours all out in the Dandenong rangers at the moment?THDG Need Help

We are wanting to spend ANZAC day going to the rhododendron gardens and Alfred Nicholas Memorial Gardens. Hoping they are all the beautiful Autumn colours.

I went to Florence 13 years ago when I was pregnant. It is the only city I ever remember from my dreams. It really is that beautiful (and so different from Rome and Venice)

I remember as a kid (about 8) racing my sister barefoot across a park. Half way across we encountered a big patch of these. As a 50 year old woman now I still can remember that pain and fear of that moment like it was yesterday.

My husband worked the ‘mushroom killer’ And her then husband (who she also tried to poison on multiple occasions) so I met them both socially a few times. He was a nice bloke and she was very strange and intense. Neither of us were surprised when we saw her on the news. Glad her husband and kids are ok.