No one is maintaining 10+ BPS on any mech without help from the marker. If the function lf the marker has reactivity in the trigger then sure, but even on an electro maintaining 10bps is not something that can happen for very long without bounce. My mag can sure shoot a lot faster than 10bps, but only when it’s set up to do so with high pressure and the right on/off set up.

For me wheat (pretty easy to avoid obviously) but lectins were one I didn’t realize for about a decade. I started taking lectin protect and my stomach was normal for the first time in my life.

When I first went GF I was also a bit lactose intolerant, as the years have gone on I have generally been able to eat lactose as long as I don’t gorge my self on it.

If you have a question about the game format or the rules ask before the game starts.

EVERYONE polices each other. If you see someone without a barrel bag in the staging area or someone who lifts their mask on field, call them out politely but firmly.

Don’t be a dick. People with rentals don’t need 5 bonus balls. Be nice to kids. Both rentals and kids are the future of the game and if you want people to come back you want them to have a good time.

As a new/first time player, don’t act like you are an expert tactician. You are military trained? Cool, a lot of those tactics don’t work here, so unless you were a forward operator a lot of your military training doesn’t directly translate.

Generally people are nice and will help you out if you are not an ass hole or being really stupid. Most of the 30+ year olds that have come back to the game will be the most willing to help coach you.

Control your trigger finger. If someone is hit and is getting out then stop shooting them. Only shoot as fast as you need to, theres no point to ramp inbred play and don’t try and over power someone else u less they clearly are experienced.

And remember, if you’re playing against an experienced player who is using a slower mech or a pump, they have purposefully given them self a lower rate of fire to make it more fair to you… but good chance it’s still not a fair fight for you.

Yeah especially when most of the sources actually explicitly state that flavorings are not something to be concerned about other than the obvious malt “flavoring” which will always be separately listed or smoke powder flavoring, which also in the vast majority of uses has to declare the sub ingredients per USDA regulations so barley will be listed there.

Even if there is a compound derived from a gluten containing grain that somehow manages to have carrier over, the massive dilution of those compounds will essentially always dilute it so low that it’s not a problem. People don’t get that even super concentrated treated flavorings are only 3% flavoring compounds in most cases and then those get used at very small percentages. There’s zero reason to have a protein like gluten in a flavoring when it doesn’t impart a notable taste.

Yeah, the hive mind here can just prove how easy it is to get people to buy into false fears and how hard it is to convince them that their fear is illogical. I have repetitively asked for actual proof that a natural flavoring can contain gluten, the best I have gotten was a single example that a flavoring had barley derived ingredient in it but that was the closest proof anyone has given other than random blogs from “experts” who don’t actually now flavor chemistry.

But oh no, I didn’t feel good today after I drank a bottle of water, it must be horrible contaminated with gluten so I need to tell everyone that this product isn’t safe and will give them cancer immediately from the gluten that the evil production workers are purposefully dosing into the water just to personally target me… or you know, I just had a little upset stomach from something totally unrelated, but if you try and explain that to me you’re just a bad person…

(And to be clear the second paragraph is sarcasm for those that can’t tell blatant sarcastic mocking).

Just because something is wheat derived doesn’t mean it is not gluten free, or even that it would be a problem for someone with wheat allergies.

Mannitol when produced from grains requires starch to be converted into sugars and then further reactions into the sugar alcohol. The product is so far removed from the grain at the end that it wouldn’t have gluten in it (it’s multiple stores past glucose syrup which is gluten free and even safe for wheat allergies).

I like lyteshow, is an isotonic solution and no flavors or anything like that you just add to water. Granted I use it in all my water as I have subclinical dysautonomia and using electrolytes even if I am sitting on my ass has really helped with symptoms.

I mix in vitamin water to get the glucose boost when I am playing.

But yeah, what ever works, just gots get a nice range of electrolytes and ideally trace minerals if possible to keep your body going the best.

So yeast is a complicated beast. Depending on what you are actually reacting to may or may not be in wine yeast. The fact that you are not reacting to wines though leads me to believe you are reacting to a strain specific compound/protein.

Beer yeast is a very different set of strains than wine yeast. They produce different trace compounds and have a much lower alcohol tolerance generally.

Wine also ages for a long time and the yeast is purposefully killed off in many wines (hence the sulfides) which should cause them to flock out during aging, beer is a much shorter process and rarely purposefully kills the yeast off in the same way which leaves some in the final product.

Even in the very rare occasions that wheat paste may still be used to seal the barrels the transfer into the final product is undetectable.

ID Trident, pretty sure that’s going to be the “standard”.

Main reason I ask is that I will be carakoting the pin (cause this new build is a fuck stainless build) and I don’t want to scratch it up so going to swap it for a Delrin bb… because I am ridiculous haha.

Bolt Pin BB Detent Size?

Any one know what size the standard BB size in the bolt pin detent is?

Yeah I have a mild wheat allergy which I learned about from wheat fiber products. So I also personally would also avoid it because of that

Per pouch. BUT per gram can tell you how fast it will deliver/how long a pouch will last. The same total dose of nicotine in one pouch vs another that is 2x heavier is going to feel very different as well.

The bigger the pouch, the slower the nicotine will absorb and the less hit you will get. Shape also played a bit of a role here too, a flatter pouch will hit faster than a thicker one.

I mean to be fair, with modern paint I’m not THAT surprised it didn’t break hahahaha

Fair, there’s just been enough posts of people flipping shit over it that I don’t even assume anyone is joking unless it’s blatantly obvious.

Wheat fiber is GF.

I haven’t been to splatbros in 15 years but hopefully will get back out at some point. The prices seemed a little steep though on line and I have heard they have basically gi field for way too much money.

Been playing at the swamp as my friends live a lot closer to that and it’s only like 20 mins farther of a drive for me. SB always had great fields though back in the day and the pictures on line look like they have all of the old ones I remember and a few more.

So out of curiosity since I have never seen the instants in the US. Do they taste absolutely awful? I remember pre diagnosis having to dry swallow Imodium some times and if it got stuck a bit or wouldn’t go down it was a horrid taste. Not sure if it was the active ingredient or something else though that made it taste like that.

Just because a med doesn’t say “gluten free” on it doesn’t mean it’s not safe. There is no regulatory standard for medications to be declared gluten free so many large manufacturers will not state that they are.


This sub has an illogical fear of natural flavors. The risk of gluten being hidden in “natural flavors” is insanely low that it’s not even something that needs to be on anyone’s radar really. 16 years of being a celiac and over a decade of that working with flavorings in regulated environments I have seen one single example of something that had a flavoring derived from a gluten containing grain. Even then there wasn’t any proof that it had gluten in it.

In this product they are almost certainly using pure chemical compounds as these are regulated medical devices and manufacturing is strictly controlled.

Yeah, the simple fact that your comment has almost 100 downvotes just proves my point. So many people have bought into this paranoia even at lest one mod that keep just pointing to fucking blogs from people who have zero idea about what actually goes on in manufacturing. “Well they are an expert”. No the “expert” is a dietitian who has never stepped foot in a manufacturing plant probably not has a so for clue about the chemistry of flavoring manufacturing.

Most fields I’ve played at were 9 or 10. Generally the first hour was pretty slow. They would close 4 or 5.

I don’t mean to come off as blunt or rude but that is most certainly not a co2 adapter, it has a gauge that goes to 5k and a QD, along with using the system that sandwiches the tank valve in between the output and a knob that tightens to seal. Co2 tanks have a valve with a top knob and a totally different threaded valve, they also max out at 3k.

I am not sure if scuba costs are different based on the size of the tank. Paintball hydro usually run 25-55 depending on if you ship it off and have the reg removed and all. I would try and find a local dive shop though and ask. If you can’t find one maybe call your local welding supply or speciality gas supplier, or even your local fire department. One of them will be able to direct you to a hydro tester relatively local.