My 3 are a bit younger than yours and we're starting camping this year, though we have cooked over the fire in our back yard before. I also have the Coleman stove and an old cast iron pan šŸ˜‰

First, make sure it's something your kids will eat, but below are some things I've cooked with mine over a fire in the back yard and other things I'm planning (still a work in progress) for our first trip once schools done for the year.


  • Pancakes or French toast, bacon/sausage, eggs.

  • cereal

  • Yogurt

  • cottage cheese

  • Fruit


  • sandwiches

  • Chips

  • Still thinking of other easy, no cook, lunch items.


  • Hot dogs, chips, baked beans. Let the kids cook the hot dogs over the fire.

  • Chicken cooked over the fire(our site has grates for the fire pits), rice, bag of mixed vegetables.

  • Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

  • s'mores for dessert (this should be a given)


  • cheese sticks

  • Jerky or beef sticks

  • Chips

  • carrot sticks/ ranch

  • gold fish

  • granola bars

This obviously assumes one is car camping and isn't hauling this all in for miles on your back šŸ˜

Will be watching this post for more ideas.

Glad to hear it hasn't changed, it's been a while šŸ˜

Ahh, will definitely check with them when checking in, thank you.

And persistent racoons at least won't destroy my car. My bigger concern was a hungry bear trying to get in and destroying my car in the process

Thank you, I would not have thought to cover the cooler in the car.

MN State Park Car Camping and Bear Precautions?

I grew up camping in MN state parks, and don't recall ever taking any special precautions to keep bears away from camp and never once had issues. However, it's been a couple decades and it sounds like there have been a lot more bear sightings around populated areas in the state so I'm wondering if more precautions are necessary these days? Or maybe I was just young, dumb, and lucky in the past and should have been more cautious all along?

I'll be car camping at MN State Parks with drive up sites, I won't allow any food in the tent(I don't want mice, squirrels, raccoons, or bears in the tent) and plan to put the cooler, and any other food items, in the car at night, as well as not leaving food/dirty dishes out either. Is that sufficient for most car camping sites at the state parks, or do I actually need to be hanging my food at night and cooking further away from the tent?

I'd assume the larger human presence around the car camping sites would keep most of them away, and I'm also aware black bears are highly unlikely to attack humans, but I'd also rather not have my stuff destroyed by a curious bear.

What precautions do MN car campers take at the state parks?

You can do whatever you want.

See my response that you replied to. The process is the same for adding more strings, regardless of how many additional strings you add, the only difference is the number of tuners you add and the holes you need to add.

Good luck!

I mean, different tunings will change the amount of tension in the strings, which could impact neck relief if said tunings result in a drastic change in tension. Unless you're cranking the tension up/down to an extreme I can't see how this would damage a guitar, and I'd expect the strings to break before the guitar in that scenario.

From a setup perspective, if the guitar is really dialed in the change in tension could knock things out of whack, how much is hard to say, so maybe he's worried about you messing up the setup he did and coming back to complain?

That said, I like to have a guitar dedicated to a specific tuning because I'm lazy, not because I'm worried about hurting my guitar.

If your guitar breaks(actually breaks, not just needing to be setup again) because of an alternate tuning, there's something very wrong with your guitar.

Flat board with a matching groove cut at the correct angle?

Could set it in, disassemble and pack flat too.

Wouldn't even need to be full length. 2 small "feet" with an angled groove would work too.

Could just glue, maybe add a couple screws, to the front edge of a flat board that extends back the same distance as it leans back.

Pattern makers vice, grizzly makes a nice one.

Shave horse would work too.

Some clamps or holdfasts could probably lock it down too.

I would disregard that for now, as you'll need to intonate with the new saddle at this point anyway, so whatever was going on years ago is irrelevant, but it's highly likely a cheap Uke wasn't intonated properly to begin with.

Either way, your path forward is sort out any fretwork, new saddle, and a full setup.

Good luck.

Frets sound like they just need to be crowned, probably leveled too, though good fret crowning files will probably cost more than a cheap Uke.Ā  It can be done with a small triangle file too if you're careful and have a lot of time/patience.

The missing bridge is an obvious fix, but I am very confused how you are intonating anything without a saddle???Ā Ā 

Replace the saddle, then watch some videos on how to do a setup on YouTube, the saddle and nut adjustment would be part of the setup and is pretty well covered online.

Also, grizzly makes some relatively inexpensive nut files, but again, those files are also likely more expensive than the Uke,Ā  so you might be back to being really careful with a small triangle file again.

Before you start fixing things, what's wrong with the nut, bridge, and frets?Ā 

Best to clearly define the problem before you start looking for solutions.

Thanks for that!

We actually discovered sheet music direct has a bunch of cello music, and a lot written for "solo cello", I hadn't noticed those filters before.Ā  We got some good suggestions here and we also found some simplified solo arrangements on that website too, including the star wars theme and the imperial march šŸ˜

Thanks everybody! I shall leave the canner alone on this one and have put the extra sauce in my freezer for longer term storage.

Though I'm making pizza sauce, so it's not getting boiled before going on the pizza in this case.

Pressure canning random marinara recipes?Pressure Canning Processing Help

Currently making a tomato based marinara for pizza. The recipe wasn't written specifically for canning, which I know is critical for water bath canning, however I am wondering if I can safely jar it and run it through the pressure canner to preserve some of it. I've only had my pressure canner a couple of months so am new to this.

Do tomato sauces that are canned in a pressure canner need to be tested, or am I safe to just toss any random tomato sauce in the pressure canner and process it? If so, how long would I run the pressure canner for(I'd be using the smallest jars I have since I don't need a lot of sauce for a pizza)?

Thank you, though this has nothing to do with a dislike of his orchestra music, he's just looking for some variety since they are focused on a small handful of songs that will be performed at his next concert.

Lol, will pass that along!Ā  And yes, he still has tape on the fingerboardĀ 

Will print that out and download it and see what he thinks.Ā  Bonus for musescore since he can play it back and just learned to use it to transcribe some guitar songs with some help.

I unfortunately can't play the cello though so can't really help him with transcribing songs himself when he gets stuck.

Thank you!

Huh, never used fiver before, will check it out, thank you!

His tastes are all over the place.Ā  He likes country, pop, rock, electronic, classical, oldies(50ā€™s - 60's),Ā 

Aside from his orchestra he like playing paint it black, I did just find him some music for Greensleeves and Amazing Grace that he's been having fun with too.

there's not really one specific genre.

Additional lessons are out right now due to his schedule.Ā  We may sign him up for some this summer but he's debating whether he wants to try piano lessons too(he plays the uke & guitar as well).

So for now I'm just looking for some fun music for him to play.