It’s not me that needs to see a therapist. I don’t support a man who showers with his grandkids. And that’s a true fact by the way, not a made up Reddit post.

Would be as well being a finger. Civil trials are about as much use as tits on a fish. Anyone can make a claim in a civil trial. Doesn’t mean it’s true. Why didn’t hey take it to a criminal court?

51 states in the USA and only 1 allowed it, are you a thick cunt or does it take practice?

Top is red pine, bottom 2 are oak

Civil court? Digitally raped a woman? Fuck me, people will be getting arrested for murder on Call of Duty next. What absolute drivel you people come up with.

Yet you support him. Must be fun at sports day with you prowlers about.

Sleepy Joe likes to shower with kids. Take it that’s normal for you swivel eye people

Haven’t seen a comeback like that since your maw choked

A normal state that has a trial but refuses the defendant to provide any evidence against the prosecution? He will have to sit in a parole hearing and show remorse to the victim. 😂😂Where is the victim here? It will be thrown out on appeal. 🤡🤡🥳

Only in the eyes of idiots and pedo worshipers. Where’s Hunters Laptop. Joe likes the sweet smell of young girls hair in the mornings while she’s getting them to fasten his Velcro straps 😂😂🤡

Just as well it’s an easy test as Sleepy Joe struggles to fasten his Velcro straps on his shoes.

50 states in America refused to allow the trial to go ahead as there wasn’t any evidence. Trump wasn’t even allowed to submit his own evidence. What kind of court allows these rules?

He hasn’t been convicted of rape though has he. Where’s Hunters Laptop? Doesn’t Sleepy Creepy Joe take showers with the kids? 🙊🙈🤠

Doesn’t Sleepy Joe like to take showers with the kids? 🙊🙈🤡

They do, it’s called the rest of the world who don’t artificially increase the price of goods. Try again mofo