So, batman is dropped in the boys universe. Realistically, he scopes out the superhero scene. Finds the seven are the equivalent to the justice league. Learns they are funded by Vought industries, scopes them out. Finds company secrets almost immediately. Weaknesses, compound V, the whole shebang.

From there, if we are in character his next step would be to find heroes that weren't corrupt. Being in the business for so long, wouldn't take long to figure out that some heroes are more "salvageable" than others. He would then build up simple contingency plans for each major hero and begin is own vigilante career. He would then probably issue a "The seven are not welcome in my city" declaration.

Of the original seven, he should be able to beat all of them but homelander in a 'random' encounter. Even queen maeve has a canon issue with stealth based heroes, and she is being paired up against DC's top tier. Bat family members have snuck up on kryptonians, going as far as silencing their heartbeats temporarily to avoid their super hearing. Batman in "strike fear into them" mode absolutely wins the encounter, even if she leaves still conscious. Heck, If he can figure out his weakness to sound and Tin (and lets be real, he probably can) he can probably even take a round or two off Homelander with proper fight staging.

Once he has shown his chops as a vigilante and publicly shamed a member or two of the seven, he could sabotage the compound V production facilities while simultaneously sending flash drives with the leaked info on what it does to all major news networks. Then it's a simple matter of turning the public against the corruption and seeing which heroes start standing up to them. This could easily net him a team of more rookie but still uncorrupt heroes such as Starlight, who he could train leverage into opposing the seven.

Once he has a team he can train/direct, Homelander and the seven go down pretty easy. He might be a big dog in universe, but realistically he's like starfire level with actual weaknesses. Vought industries would also find themselves in deep, deep trouble very quickly.

On one hand, yeah, I've been in those games where you buy wards but the map is so dangerous you can't put them down. You spend all your time defending/dewarding your one pocket of safety and tping to cores, and you just don't have time to go on a warding adventure. After a couple minutes you are sitting there with two wards in your inventory, three in the shop, cores are pissy, but you just can't do anything about it.

On the other hand, this was clearly a grief.

I think the squad of tim/bart/conner/cassie is my favorite teamup of trinity style heroes because they can believably fight such a wide range of enemies without ever really overshadowing eachother.

Compare it to WW/supes/batman/barry or Nighwing/Donna/Wally/Starfire(who really takes the place of baby kryptonian for the titans) and someone always feels out of character or redundant.

Sig is great, wherever he is you just dont have to worry about and you can use your resources elsewhere.

If you have a spamming junk, then you auto win any poke war down main. That means you can afford to use your shield more to deny opposing dps off angles and open up a ton of space for your other dps to move.

If they just choose a flank as their rat-hole, you can totally ignore that angle and treat the map as one step closer to a choke point.

What makes it worse is Wally/Berry are pretty like, seasoned heroes.

Bart? Sure, go ahead and let them job. It makes sense, they are kinda a doofus and is hyper adhd. But the big two flashes don't have a reason to lose if actually written in character.

Yo hold up, this is actually sick as fuck.

The warhammer 40k thing is legit question, I don't know the series. I know it gets hyped up is all, and there are a lot of factions very used to total war.

Like I said, starwars gets rolled. They have nothing that can beat them, but that is a pretty typical sci-fi setting. If they can't beat them, a lot of sci-fi can't.

DC is interesting, because the GL corps can't do it alone, but there are a lot of factions that would do pretty alright. Thanagarians, New Genesis, and Tamaran (depending on era) are all significant militaries that can probably hold back the swarm. Apokolips would also be forced to deal with them, you would have the Warworld chewing through them to some degree, The Reach would be fighting them, Sinestro Corps would be forced to turn on them, like there is a lot of military power there that can do a lot in the way of containment. You also have a bunch of characters who are actually strong enough to take out emanator level threats, which is another obstacle a lot of universes have. I think they could pull through in a crises style story.

Unironically, lore accurate swarm wipes like 99% of fiction. Even HSR, a pretty respectable intergalactic universe, had 2/3 of everything wiped by the swarm before they were saved by divine intervention.

I struggle to think of universes that could beat it. Like, maybe DC with the green lantern corp? Warhammer 40k? Starwars gets rolled. Most stories with a single planet are footnotes. The swarm is actually a cosmic endgame.

I would say there are five traits that define a Mary Sue/Gary Stu:

  1. They are disproportionately rewarded for success and aren't punished for mistakes
  2. Characters act differently around them for no in character reason, always to the benefit of the Sue
  3. The sue is definitionally right and everyone who disagrees with them is wrong on a narrative level
  4. They have skills that don't make sense for them to have or avoid conflict that should come with them
  5. Their flaws are cosmetic and have no narrative significance

Can't speak to miles cause I haven't played the game, but on the sliding scale of Mary Suedom Korra doesn't rank that high. She has some traits, mastering using 3 elements as a toddler IS a pretty egregious. Not saying she's a great character. But as a whole I don't think she should be lumped in with true full on sues.

Edit: I said mastering by accident because I wrote it at like 2am. Still, bending multiple elements as a toddler it assumedly no guidance goes against established lore, with most avatars not even knowing they can ben multiple elements until well into their teenage years and even then, having the most trouble with the opposite elements. I have no problem with her mastering 3 elements by the time the show starts, thats just an avatar being an avatar, but the relationship she has with the elements breaks broke lore for seemingly no reason.

However, she goes on to make a lot of consequential mistakes based on character flaws, get hated on by a lot of people in universe, and is sometimes flat out wrong. As a whole I don't think she is a mary sue, I just think she has some mary sue traits, which a lot of characters do.

Probably Jianxin, mainly because there isn't much competition. She's fine and plays a nice flexible role in teams, being able to shield, heal, counter, and group. She's not groundbreaking by any means, but she'll for sure find some use. Best part of her tbh is quick swapping to counter boss attacks you can't get the timing of.

Varina is the clear far and away best standard banner but you already have her and her duplicates aren't particularly good.

Calcharo and Encore are both good, but if you don't like them/have better dps then there isn't much need. You have havoc rover and Jinhsi, so only get them if you like them (doesn't seem like you do)

Lingyang is the worst, but if you really like him and want him to be relevant you might need to pump resources into him.

I just don't get it man. What are they using all this space for?

Like its a beatemup game with fairly average graphics, mostly empty maps, and a couple cutscenes. Its not hyper-realistic, it's not open world, doesn't have a 100hr story, doesn't have a million units, doesn't have branching stories, nothing that warrants me uninstalling Balders Gate for the download.

Like, I get that it's actually 55 gigs, but thats still Neir Automata and Persona 3 Reload combined.

(For the record, Jiaoqiu is currently garbo after the last update)

File size is literally why I stopped playing Genshin.

I was already on the fence on this because I don't really need another Gacha, but now I'm not giving it a chance. Like, come on.

Well, a team of Jade/Yunli/Fu Xuan should actually be really strong. Yunli's follow up attacks will be burst, which should get Jade a bunch of stacks, and you will then get a good amount of FuA off. Fu Xuan increasing crit rate would work great with Jade built in crit damage, and the damage reduction has natural synergy with Yunli.

That support slot is pretty flexible, and you could probably run Pela, March, or maybe even tingun in it. Depending on how good Jiaoqiu ends up being, you could potentially pull him for your Kafka and move ruan mei to your FuA team until a robin/topaz rerun.

To be honest, you have actually zero FUA units. You are basically starting from scratch. To make things worse, the best FUA support units (Aventurine, Topaz, and Robin) JUST got ran. You are probably not going to be seeing any of them for like 6 months or something.

Then again, you don't have any other teams brewing, so why not.

Yunli will be good, march will be good, Jade can be good, and there is a leaked character who might be using them (and word on the street is they are going to be very good).

Its very good luck. Lets review.

Soft pity starts on your 74th pull, and builds up exponentially. You have about a 65% chance of hitting soft pity. The "expected" pulls needed for a 5* (the point where there is a 50% chance you have a 5*) is between 75 and 76 pulls.

While you might have been unlucky a bunch of times, especially on firefly (less than a 5% chance there), across all your pulls you have only "lost" about 20 pulls due to bad luck. 144

Meanwhile, your lucky pulls (looking at that <2% acheron in specific) have saved you about 235 pulls. That means that you have essentially gotten 3 characters for free.

However, your 50/50 win probability has also been insane. While we know it's not actually a 50/50 (its actually closer to a 55/45), even factoring that in you are well into the <1% odds of winning 10 times in a row.

To put it in perspective, your account, on average, would take about 1315 pulls to get. You got it in 768. You are about 70% stronger than you should be.

I try to make a coherent government based on what we have.

For example, where is funding focused? What are it's main industries? What are the region's major trading partners? What is the culture of the citizenry and what do people focus on during elections? Are there elections? What is the role of the champion? How intertwined with government is the league? Are gym leaders elected by the community or are they appointed by a centralized body? Are they simply community leaders, or are they expected to play a role in policing/military? Are gym locations decided by tradition, economy, military necessity, or is there just a license that needs to be renewed and there are a bunch of unofficial gyms? What role does the elite 4 play? How is the elite 4 selected?

As you start answering those questions and start applying them to individual cities or people, the details of the world and culture of certain areas tend to start filling themselves in.

Sombra vs ball is literally the hardest counter in the game dude.

Realistically, you should wait for Jiaoqiu's numbers to be solidified.

He's bounced between absolutely broken to only worth being pulled for acheron specific teams depending on the leak. Because of the nature of his kit, couple minor number adjustments or interactions either way can be the difference between a non-negotiable must pull and a pretty easy pass. It's just too early to plan for him to be good or bad.

Not really the answer you want to hear, I know, but it'd probably the best one.

So the combo of jade/argenti is great and especially monstrous at pure fiction. If you are willing to pull both, and then add a sparkle to boot, you are set for the foreseeable future. I don't think you'd need eidolons on either, maybe Jade's light cone if you want to secure full clears for the longest amount of time.

That said, if you are only pulling one, it should probably be Jade. Argenti is a more classic hyper carry who does best when you just buff him to high hell and swing as hard as you can. Jade is kind of shaping up to be more of a sub-dps combo piece. Since the game is trending away from hypercarries and towards combos, Jade is going to probably be easier to fit on teams and will just get better as better partners come off while Argenti will get power crept easier because his straightforward kit means any buffs to him will equally buff his competition.

That said, Argenti is probably going to be her best partner at the moment, with his only real competition being blade.

Pull responsibly, but for current power your priority is probably

  1. Get Jade
  2. Get Argenti
  3. Get Jade Lightcone
  4. Get Jade Eidolons
  5. Get Argenti lightcone
  6. Get Argenti Eidolons

Alternatively, a higher crit damage is technically better for brute forcing content at the cost of inconsistency.
They could also just be getting terrible rolls on artifacts, which is honestly most likely

Nationalized education
Nationalized health care
Strict gun control
State sponsored abortions for minorities (wow, so progressive!)
All in on renewable energy

Jokes aside, It's really silly to try to apply modern western left vs right to a nearly hundred year old nation. Left vs right at the time was really about planned economies vs market economies, and Nazi Germany was farther left than right on that axis. But their policies don't cluster in the modern left vs right dichotomy in the same way modern china doesn't.

Saying Nazi Germany is right OR left is wrong, but it's probably less wrong to say it's left wing just based on the standards of the time.

Don't quote me on this, but based on the calcs I've seen it's actually better to have one spectro one attack if you have her signature. Otherwise you lose something like 5ish% by not having double spectro.

To be honest, everyone vaguely interested in politics is already decided. The number of undecided voters who are actually going to vote is essentially 0.

These debates' only purpose is to get people to care more and get out to vote, and on that front Trump won. Like it or hate it, Trump was perfectly on brand while Biden looked terrible by everyone's standards.

Honestly, the hotels weren't always even a thing for us.

About half the time our band slept on gym floors with a piece of tape down the middle designating boys side vs girls side.