Localization doesn't work that way my dude... this is "gross" ignorance.

If you think JJ Abrams would have done a good job doing "something glorious for Tolkien fans" then you desperately need to watch more JJ Abrams stuff to know how poorly it'd go.

This isn't mathematics where two negatives make a positive xD

Rx is hard. Debility is hard. The two together are like David and Goliath.


Most of the hate for him is just a meme due to the "Fucking Jurgen Leitner" rant xD dw about it

Only thing I could find was this , but idk how that particular situation ended.


Well, that was the impression I ended up having given past interactions with people.



I get it. Doesn't justify her actions. Empathy and sympathy don't mean it's fair nor that I have to excuse it.


They're talking about the alternate that attacks Jude, not the crying baby in the crib.


All that just to be shoved aside randomly.

Not entirely. All you've mentioned either already happened or will happen in the future. This one focused on Jude, and if anything you see Alternates being more active here since Vol. 333. You have both the intruder that tormented Jude and Gabriel's influence on people.

All the rest though, it's true. Vol 5 had a lot of still shots and slow shots where nothing happened. Tension was built, but there wasn't much justifying it.

Also, Alex told Wendigoon that people shouldn't be expecting an Endgame-level episode, but rather slow-burners and tense moments. And that isn't bad, it's just something that won't appeal to everyone.

"Acting like" means behaving like one.

This image is a joke, it's satire, it's not reality.

Wanna know what is reality? Corraling people into a chamber and killing them with gas.

Pray, tell us more about how people being upset at being misgendered, which is totally removed from context and not corresponding to reality outside of fucking Twitter, corresponds to Auschwitz.

Also, people wanting to be properly gendered aren't "the far left". This is why school is important kids. LGBTQ people are not "the far left".

Stop being delusional, actually touch grass and meet people outside the internet. The internet is just an echo chamber of people shouting bs off the top of their lungs. It's not real life.

Sun and Moon of Deimos, who kill eachother every day\night


"didn't really add much to the story"

...I mean, it's only to be expected, every odd-numbered episode is goes back to the past around the time Adam got taken. And now you got more backstory and new questions. That's something that drove forward the whole mystery behind what happened back then. Plus, we may have had a clue as to what "the Shepherd" the Alternates keep telling people to not follow is.

Oh, and at least confirmation that there's Time Distortion crap, which is a thing that got established all the way since Vol 1.

Conditionally tie Bloo to Mac's daily presence.

Mac is a kid who was forced by his parents to give up his best friend, in any possible way. Bloo would have ended up on the street. And Mr. Herriman decided that the kid needed to be fully responsible for Bloo not being adopted away.

Mind you, I get it. Foster's is a foster house, not a hotel (though Duchess would disagree). But that's not on a child to deal with, and it's not like Frankie or her Grandma, who legally own and run the house alongside him, treat Mac or Bloo as someone who couldn't be there until Mac came to terms with what he had to do. We don't see neither Frankie nor Ms. Foster mind it.

The whole thing is an allegory for kids struggling to grow up and let go of their childhood when dealing with adulthood. But Herriman was just a jerk in retrospect. It realistically wouldn't be safe for a kid to just wander around town, every day, to some random lady's house. Mac also didn't socialize with kids his age outside of school until he met people like Goo. And it really doesn't help how he often flaunted that to both Mac and Bloo.

Cool how that's the only part that stuck with you. How about, as I stated before:

  • these guys are vandalising public property and veiling it with "climate activism"
  • These guys are funded and very likely financed by oil tycoons, as it's only ever been degrading the image of actual climate activism
  • They chose to do this using aerossols, so screw anyone whinging that "it's just cornflour"
  • People still have to pay to maintain and upkeep Stonehenge, it's not just a matter of cleaning it with water
  • Pray, explain to me what polluter this inconvenienced.
  • They did this close to the Summer Solstice knowing full well the place would be important to pagans.

So quit virtue signaling about how people who complain are "upset at the protesters", this isn't a protest, and it's clearly not a protest the average person wants associate themself with.

Because sorry but your ENTIRE ARGUMENT hinged on one aspect: are people talking about the message behind it? The answer is no. And when they are, it's usually not in a good light.

Look. I'd LOVE if people would do something that actually made an impact. Because as you yourself just said, non-permanent damages aren't going to cut it either and only make you look like an absolute buffoon. But vandalizing stonehenge, dyeing the fountains in Rome or throwing crap at the Mona Lisa is just being a dick, PURE AND SIMPLE.

You want to do everyone a solid?

Look at any country complaining about a drought, and then search up golf courts. After that, search how much water is wasted in keeping the grass for those golf courts. You might want to start vandalizing those, since the people who tend to go to golf courts and own them are the kind to associate themselves with major polluters.

You again...? Give it a rest, buddy, you already got discredited to hell and back in another subreddit !

Nobody is talking about the statement. ESPECIALLY NOT the people who pollute the most and contribute to the worsening of our climate.

And if you really want any statement to stick? Maybe don't use aerossols or hit a place that's going to be important for a couple religions on a specific date; don't be a hypocrite. You want the statement to stick? Inconvenience the people that actually cause harm.

"Angry at cornflour"


  • Angry at the fact that these guys are vandalising public property and veiling it with "climate activism"
  • These guys are funded and very likely financed by oil tycoons, as it's only ever been degrading the image of actual climate activism
  • They chose to do this using aerossols, so screw anyone whinging that "it's just cornflour"
  • People still have to pay to maintain and upkeep Stonehenge, it's not just a matter of cleaning it with water
  • Pray, explain to me what polluter this inconvenienced.
  • They did this close to the Summer Solstice knowing full well the place would be important to pagans.

No one's angry at cornflour. What we are angry at is the fact that this isn't activism, this inconveniences nobody that matters, and people like you are excusing vandalism just because it has "eco" on it.

Don't be one of those fools that buy products at the supermarket just because it says "bio", it's a catchword and we all know it.

Edit: Downvote all you want, you're not making yourself look any better.

"Most occultists seem to think so"

Yeah, most occultists are dumber than rocks.

On one hand, yes I agree that there's no indication that this was a hate crime. And the activism, while a source of irritation for a lot of people, is there to bring awareness and draw attention to polluters and people enabling them (like companies and people in power).

On the other hand, considering what Stonehenge means for a lot of different people, more so than some random dude's statue, is disrespectful. And doing it on Summer Solstice? They knew darn well what they where doing.

Druids and pagans often are among those that try to raise awareness to environmental causes and act responsibly (at least, that's what most stand for). Making this mess just before a potential event there definitely sends the wrong message, even if it had a good intention behind it.

"this shouldn’t be posted here and it needs to be taken down" is a pretty reasonable response to be fair o: they're informing you it's not a good idea, and considering the kind of people that roam around Heathen spaces, sometimes you do have to be assertive and take no nonsense.

But they should at least inform you why and be open to you having questions. If anything because they then should ascertain whether you really didn't know (most newcomers are taken in by Thorsson's stuff, and then go :O when we tell them he's trash), or whether you're trolling.

It's a community. A little gatekeeping is needed to keep spaces safe, but not so much that it alienates people altogether.

Sometimes people really don't know. And from what I've seen, the mods in this subreddit do tend to give the benefit of the doubt specifically so they can tell which is which. But some people do test their patience :x

Even the Greek ones aren't elemental. Zeus was feared for his thunderbolt, but was mostly worshipped for his oath-keeping aspect and laws/justice. Yes, even ruling over the sanctity of marriage, which shocks some people xD


Yeah, the only major difference seems to be the shade of red changing. But idk if that's part of the logo or the player acting up.


As in, they manifested the ink directly?


Well, is effed.

Key notes are that, as PonderingAlpaca said, Ink5oul tattooed an elaborate version of the alchemical symbol for the Sun, which is popularly* the same symbol for Gold. Gold is notoriously two things in Alchemy. The metal, which is considered to be very close to a metallic version of the Philosopher's Stone and therefore a perfect substance, and the Alchemical Sulphur, a property of nature that imbues things with a Soul. The Soul is different from the Mind; the Soul is emotive, primal and contains everything that makes up our sense of self and identity, whereas the Mind (Mercury) is abstract, ephemeral and logical. Alchemical symbols and Astrological symbols are also often the same because Renaissance Alchemists believed that the 7 planets corresponded to 7 metallic substances, with Gold being the Sun, as the Moon was Silver. Oddly they seem to have channeled the power of the Sun and the person caught on fire. oops.

*If anyone's curious, the reason I say "popularly" is because Alchemists didn't agree on every single symbol. There are dozens of these, though some appear more often and more consistently than others. It just depends on the author. Though, I doubt Rusty Quill is checking into the niche authors and are instead going by the more well-known stuff.

What I find interesting is that there are 3 components to Ink5oul's "magic". We have their intention, we have the ink, and we have the design. Originally they only had the design, which worked somewhat. Then, they had began pouring their own intention and desire by feeding off of the fear in others. But that wasn't enough either, and they began experimenting with the ink's components. It does seem like they're experimenting with the Tria Prima here. They have an idea/concept, they have the intention that drives it but are missing the physical component that binds them perfectly. In short, they seem to have Sulphur and Mercury but are missing the Salt. Which is ironic, given their real-life instagram account has the symbol for Salt in the bio.

As for the Magnus Institute, we have confirmation that they got Starkwall'd. Interestingly though, Gertrude and Gerry are alive. Remains to be seen what their role is in all this. And we got confirmation they were trying to do some end-of-the-world shenannigans again. Question is, in what way.


She pretty much quoted what happened in the original universe

Not directly, not enough to properly confirm she's from there. It's not that you're wrong, and it's what everyone basically agrees upon at this point. But there's been zero indication of the previous timeline past just casually name-dropping Smirke's Fourteen. That can very easily be a red herring.

It's clear Celia's special. But whether this is Lynne Hammond or someone related from a different timeline does remain to be seen.

I know she does point out "the Institute were doing end-of-the-world activities". But remember she herself is researching into things on her own. For all we know, she might have stumbled upon that herself. Again. She almost obviously is the one we know... but we can't for sure guarantee that.

the fact Elias has kids, namely Gwen

uhh o.o source?

Because thus far there are several theories, none of which are proven:

  • Gwen's Elias's daughter
  • Gwen's Elias's sister
  • Gwen is in some way related by familial ties to Elias (cousin, etc) due to their surname, be it direct blood relation or adopted
  • Gwen is the replacement in this timeline for Elias, as in, in this timeline, the person who would be Elias is a woman named Gwen
  • Gwendolyn Bouchard and Elias Bouchard are unrelated, and only share a name because Alexander J. Newall was quirky one day (unlikely, though still within the realm of possibility)