You prolly thought you were THAT BITCH…bc you are! Absolute perfection.

Regions bank does it, but I’m unsure if one has to be an account holder for that.

Bobby. Adam Rodriguez is hot hot hot.

Unfortunately, you cannot spot reduce fat (short of surgical options, that is). The only thing you can do is remain in a caloric deficit and eventually the fat will fall off.

We had this exact same experience. 2 evaluations and were told that he’s just socially awkward bc of his gifted intellect. I work with kids with ASD - did way before my son showed any signs of autism. I KNEW he had it, but was brushed aside as well. My own parents initially were in denial about it, simply bc he doesn’t fit what they see on tv. It’s exhausting.

My parents and in-laws treat both my kids equally, with respect to each of their quirks. Obviously my neurodivergent kid has different needs, but the grands don’t ever make any issues out of it. We are really lucky to have such great people surrounding us.

trail of sexual sin

Every video has SO many cuts. I think that proves just how much they lie, and how performative their lives are.

Is that so? Bc when my husband and I met at 19, we didn’t want to marry each other. Life kept bringing us back into each others lives though, and when we met again at 23, that’s when we dated and got married. Over 13 years now, despite not knowing instantly. Yall are rushing this and it’s not a good idea.

All of their feelings are very valid. Five months is not enough time to know somebody to get married. Are there successful marriages between those together for only 5 months? Sure. But that’s the exception, not the rule. I don’t blame them for being upset. If you guys really love each other, y’all can wait a little while longer.

Shows how good the casting of Ben Savage for young Gideon was - they look incredibly similar.

For your veggies, try tossing them in a little bit of olive oil and s&p/seasoning of your choice, then roasting them. That’s the yummiest way to eat carrots, broccoli, chick peas, etc., in my opinion.

Oh yeah, she’s 12 years old, lol. My little bestie. Poor hubby thought he was going to get a daddy’s girl, but nah. Team mom, 100%.

Louisiana here, grew up Baptist but my neighbor was Lutheran and she said the only difference was Lutherans can enjoy guilt free margaritas😂

These are specifically fairy light fuchsia. I have some on my page as well. Love them so much!

My daughter is 12 and I stg she would crawl back inside me if she could. The child is ✨obsessed✨ with me. But she started being less whiny about it when she started kindergarten.

I think Kimber is cute, but I agree with your sentiment and wouldn’t use any of them.

I walked down the aisle to a string quartet version of “Yellow,” and we finished up with the sq version of “All You Need is Love,” lol. Not emo, but lovely.

I fucking love this song. “For the first time it felt worth it…like I deserved it.” Beautiful.

REVENGE BOD. You look amazing. Good job, friend!