Website with filter for specific climate preferences?Where Should I Move?

Might be a reach, but while I’ve been looking at new towns for our family to possibly move to I search each towns climate it seems that it can really vary a lot even when nearby another town that has a totally different climate. Does anyone know of a website where you can input climate info into a filter to find places that are similar to what you have entered? Or if there is a town with a climate you love, then you can enter that town and it will tell you other similar climate towns?

I tried video but it my iphone camera couldn’t focus as well. These pics are all with 3second delay

One! I sometimes wish he had an ACD buddy to play with but I don’t think I’m ready to take that on.

Help restoring files/photos HP Envy Laptop (8yr old laptop)Hardware

My son seems to have done a reset on my HP Envy laptop (like 8yr old computer). It prompted me to create a microsoft login or use an existing. I used an existing. It was trying to give me a tour around my “new laptop”. I clicked out of that to see if any of my files were there and they’re all gone. When I went to try to use System Restore, the only available restore point is the time that he restarted the laptop after reseting it. Is there any way to get back my files after this happening?

Help with restoring files

My son seems to have done some sort of reset on my HP Envy laptop (like 8yr old computer). It prompted me to create a microsoft login or use an existing. I used an existing. It was trying to give me a tour around “my new laptop”. I clicked out of that to see if any of my files were there and they’re gone. When I went to System Restore, the only available restore point is the time that he restarted the laptop after reseting it. Is there any way to get back my files after this?

Was thinking the same thing! I may have started to dig if I found this.

Just ate there today! So good! You’re right, it does remind me a lot of Vallarta. The whole family was pumped on it. The salsa bar really makes it stand out.

Nice! I’ll try it out asap. Thanks

From SC also! I haven’t tried El Sazon yet but will after seeing your rec! We found Choo Choo Tortas about a year ago and haven’t tried anywhere else since because it’s the closest we’ve found to back home.

Add Choo Choo Tortas to your list.

Right?!? I can’t get enough of him. He’s so lucky he’s adorable, he gets away with everything.

Right!? We say he’s half marsupial lol. Our little koala bear

Best description ever!! Mom’s fun brunch friend after mimosas is spot on.

Gregory aka Greggy aka Greggy Bagel!