I want to get a table for this Saturday can you help?

Do you have any recommendations of any other brands with a similar style? I don’t want to support a brand that is sneaky hiding honest reviews!

Nice! Sounds like you had a good time!! Thanks for the reply

It’s been 22 days have you been to one yet? Lol I’m thinking about going

As someone who is relatively fresh out of a 4 year relationship similar to Cassie and yours, thank you for your comment. I truly mean it. I’m one of those people who needed to read it at this exact moment. It gives me hope to hear happy stories such as yours. I’m glad you were able to get out and find happiness. ❤️

Hi, just giving an update! It has been a little over a month since dissolving my lip filler. I still have absolutely no regrets. Very glad to have my old lips back. I’m not sure how long it takes for the bad side effects to appear, but I have not experienced anything so far thankfully. I will report here if anything changes!

Sorry to bring up an old post/comment. But I was wondering, since you’ve had luck with transplanting, what soil do you typically use when transplanting? Any tips? I have to transplant my cucumbers soon and would love to hear how you transplant yours!

Hey any update on your cuke baby? I have to transplant mine in a few days. Hoping your little one has improved!

Hey! Did you have any success growing your propagated mint? I’m currently propagating mine as well and was just wondering

Hey did you ever find anything to help you out?

Honestly I had this issue and started using Fur products and it got rid of it completely

I just got my dog’s vaccines done by the mobile vaccination van called care-a-van. They travel around to different places locally all the time. Their website gives a calendar for locations.

I just had migrated lip filler dissolved about a week ago now and it was the best thing I ever did. My lip filler made me so insecure and I was scared to dissolve it. I had those lip fillers for 2 years and they looked awful once they migrated.

I got numbed up, and then the dissolver was injected. I had barely any swelling, extremely minimal bruising. And my lips looked like my old lips again almost instantly. I’m so glad I did it!!

Yes I decided to get them dissolved yesterday! I don’t regret it at all! I have my old lips back after 2 years of misery. No more swollen lips. I barely even had swelling when they were injected. Woke up this morning with no more pain or ugliness. It’s almost shocking to see. Never thought I would have my old lips back lol

Hi may I ask how old you were when you got your fillers dissolved? I’m 28 considering it. But heard age can affect whether you body makes the HA again or not

Hi I’m in DC and desperately need someone to dissolve migrated lip fillers. Can you DM me the person you saw pleaseee

Only thing that got rid of it was getting rid of vaping 😣😣 I tried vape juices found online that were PG free, but they didn’t vape properly in any of my refillable vapes that I owned probably due to the consistency. So I decided to unfortunately quit altogether. Sorry I couldn’t help any!

Looks good I just went and checked it out! Your dog is so cute what kind?

Hi I’m going through the same experience exactly 11 days out as well. Did they ever go away for you?

Awwww you dog is so cute!!! And I think you’re doing well for a beginner. It’s good that you know how to safely use clippers. I own a standard poodle and had absolutely no grooming experience when I got him. I started learning how to groom him myself because of a bad grooming experience that left me scared to take him anywhere else. So I decided to learn how to do it myself! Really all I did was watch YouTube videos and practice! He gets compliments all the time.. people have even said I’ve done better than the groomers lol. I’m even comfortable enough to do shave downs on my Persian cat now which can be risky. Keep up with practicing you’ll get there you’re already off to great start!!