I've heard customers being rude to employees and I tell them chill out they are trying to do their job its not their fault I told one employee once you don't need to listen to this rude man go get your manager later I was sitting at a table eating the employee came over and said Thank you I said your very welcome abd I said if that ever happens again just get uiur manager you don't need to put up wirh rude people

Shipping and packing for a online pharmaceutical company

Oh OK but thst doesn't mean your daughter will have it I know it will drive you so crazy till you find out the results stay positive please do a follow up when you get the results I'm sure she's going to be ok 🫶

I know they get paid 25 to 40 k per episode but their money has gone up since that's all I could find I'm not sure about their contracts I'm sure each child has a hood net worth so far I seen Liz is 1 to 5 million

I've been anemic for over a year mow but I'm also a kidney patient and I'm tired all the time I completely understand how you feel it's a horrible thing to have I can't image having to study I come home from diaylis abd I'm asleep within a hour I can sleep from one hour to three hours sometimes but I definitely sleep one hour it takes along time to get your condition back even if it does fully come back I hope you feel better soon

They are iron levels yes I get these done every month it's ok she will be ok if she needs to the doctor will give her iron meds probably for a couple months don5 be a bundle of nerves doctors can treat this

Aww im sure if she is anemic tge doctors will treat her gor a couple of months then she should be ok I'm anemic but I also have stage 4 kidney disease being anemic is crazy imcsure your daughters going to be fine

Well I don't feel nothing I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner