They’re gonna know as soon as you exchange phone numbers and they text you and it sends it in a green bubble instead of a blue one. Just pull your phone out and use it (at an appropriate time) during your first date. If they judge you, that’s the perfect sign that they’re the type of person that you should avoid.

lol, I got rated "Most Unique" as well, which basically just translates to "Weirdest dude I've ever met".

I would take his business card so I could leave these pictures along with the review explaining how this guy is the worst photographer that I have never hired, nor plan to based on his idea that a good first impression would be to ruin our proposal with his unrequested solicitation.

This kid is just jealous that he's too ugly to make money doing very little. If I could make $200,000 a year by showing people pictures of my butthole, you better believe I'd be making that money. Do I find it shameful to sell pictures of my butthole? Not at all, I'd be more ashamed if I were the one paying for pictures of somebodies butthole lol.

Wait, boys hole? That can't be right....

Martin Lawrence doesn't physically assault people for making jokes so I'll give props to him. Will Smith is still a POS in my eyes though.

That's not flying, it's falling with style.

People were doing these kinds of things long before likes were a thing.

The people trying to find children locked in a Pizza Hut basement are the same people voting for this guy.

They’re putting a lot of effort into trying to make this fetish sound like something other than a fetish.

My kid had to spend a few days in the NICU because he was born diabetic and jaundice. We ended up having to get transferred to a bigger hospital, with a bigger NICU and we stayed there in a private room for a few days.

All said and done, after about a week, our bill was $28 for the parking at both hospitals combined. $90,000 sounds comically villainous to me. And then the billionaire class wonders why people aren’t having more kids.

Dang, this guy is so bummed out he has a literal cloud form over his head.

Personally, I’m hoping everybody votes for the Turd Sandwich, and NOT the Giant Douche.

People tend to forget things that happened yesterday. I swear people forget about things so much faster nowadays than they did even just a decade ago.

Says he's here to study, but that jobs are for losers. How do you expect to get rich if you don't work? What are you even studying for? No surprise that he thinks people nowadays are lazy considering his only point of reference is himself, a lazy person who doesn't want to work. Yet he still somehow thinks he's entitled to wealth?

This dude is a walking contradiction.

Do you think anybody thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night? FORGET ABOUT IT!

Hell yeah, I always loved that. It felt so ahead of its time on PS2. There’s been other games that let you do this. I think Ghost Recon Wildlands maybe? But I haven’t played it for ages and only played the demo. I’m also a fan of first person games that jump out to third person when you get into cover. I think Deus Ex does this. GTA5 and RDR2 do that as well, but you have to enable it in the options menu.

I really want to enjoy third person, but I find the gunplay in third person to be absolutely atrocious. I feel like way more shots miss even when my crosshair is dead on.

Thankfully, it is not. If you tried tipping any amount of money in Japan, they would get offended. I’d imagine there’s other places with a similar culture too, but Japan is the first that comes to my mind.