It depends on how affordable the rents at the property are as that's their main criteria. Look up what rent for someone making 80% of AMI would be here for your property and compare it to the property's current rents. That will give you a rough idea of affordability.

I will say you'll have an extremely tough time getting an Agency loan for less than $1M without an established relationship with an Agency lender. $1.2M is doable though. For such a small loan your rate will likely be in the mid-high 6's, depending again on affordability.

They will run your credit, but your credit plays no role in your loan pricing for multifamily. They just want to make sure there aren't any red flags.

Biden can't be replaced under convention rules and would have to willingly step down, so it's a moot question.

Because his share in the polls is going down. He was averaging in the mid teens in the beginning of the year and is now in the mid-high single digits. He's seen a bit of a bump since the debate but still below 10%.

No, since they don't have term limits the only way to change the ideological slant of the court is to nominate new members, either as replacements for retiring members or expanding the court.

I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain their mission is just to cover the US Government. I would try ABC maybe, they sometimes have a more global focues.

Bey just tore his ACL in March, so he'll be out until 2025. Plus we're over the 2nd apron so wouldn't have been able to offer him a contract regardless.

His max extension is 4/80, which would be an overpay if they did give him that. I think if he does stay he gets somewhere between $10-$15 per year

Always since they've been political opponents I suppose.

TBH Biden's always had a softer voice than Trump.

I like to read transcripts of interviews with candidates. Their websites are usually just full of platitudes and non-specific policies, and while they obviously rehearse answers for interviews, it's harder when they're trying to think on their feet so they tend to show a bit more of what they actually think.

Also bear in mind every candidate likely won't have a specific policy proposal on every issue.

:bos-5: Celtics

Most draft pick protections are straightforward. It's when they get mixed with swaps that things get complicated, but even then it's not that hard to boil it down. I will say the last 24 hours have been confusing due to the number of picks and swap rights that have traded hands, but that'll settle down.

Do you have a link to that? That kind of analysis feels very shallow for 538 - you can't apply the exact same polling error to different candidates. A Sanders nomination would have likely had a different coalition than Clinton's did, both in who actually voted for who and who actually turned out. Also, pollsters stopped asking about Biden and Sanders after Clinton won the nomination. We have no idea what the final polling margins would have been prior to the election.

9/11 impacted people all the way out in CT and New Jersey. Of course it impacted the county literally right next to the city. Like half the people who live there commute in for work.

He wasn't going to beat Justice (polls last year had him losing by double digits) and he's also 76. Seems like a natural time to retire.

I mean practically speaking, wages will catch up to prices so yes people will adjust. Even in the Great Recession prices only dropped 0.4% in 2009 - sustained price decreases across the entire economy generally aren't a thing. As long as the rate of inflation doesn't go back up I don't think it will be as salient of an issue in the 2028 cycle. Maybe not even in the 2026 midterms, although that's less likely.

In the links I had I show a $13M spending advantage for Biden, but agreed the Biden campaign appears to be using its cash more effectively at least for now. That may change in the coming months though since Trump + Super PACs have closed the fundraising gap.

We're talking about Oshae Brissett. He's not going to be any more marketable after two rings than one when he doesn't play very much in either playoff run. Not that the second ring is even guaranteed.

How's he going to get another contract if he spends two years not playing very much in Boston vs just one? Strike while the iron's hot and all that