I'm gonna have to move to somewhere near Tokyo in September as I'm switching my job. And I'm currently in Miyazaki and lived all my life in Japan in this city. My housing was provided by my company when I came here so I have no idea how to look for a house, let alone in a larger city. So the main issue I'm facing is that:

  • How to know along which line I should be looking? Like my friend in Chiba suggested JR sobu line so I could search from places near the Sobu line from Chiba. But for other places how should I pick the line? Randomly start somewhere then use Google maps to decide? Coz that's what I've been doing - let me know if there are any other resources.

  • I was looking at some UR properties, but some of them are just too far away, like 20 minutes by bus just to get to the nearest station. But either way, UR or not, the average traveling time is around 1 hour, is that normal?

Drop your house searching suggestions and tips in general for someone moving from the suburbs! Thank you

Edit: I'm gonno have to go to Chiyoda (Ochanomizu station) for work, and I'm trying to keep the travel time around/under 1 hour without breaking the bank.