That’s a powerful horror movie sequence right there. Hope your Dad is ok

All very wonderful but this looks like the Grim Reaper is hanging there

I hear you I hear you. In Lost in Translation I believe the character called for some blandness. But in Match Point her character was very much tragedy. Not a fan of hers particularly (and much less at of Woody Allen, and am old at that). That performance in my opinion having said above was great

Sandra Bullock character in The Blind Side

How you like me now 😎

🤣that’s awesome

I always tell my Mother when her dogs and cat get too chubby (a frequent occurrence) that they’re approaching slaughter weight. Particularly if it’s around X-Mas or Easter lol

I don’t see the appeal myself. But thought he was excellent in While We’re Young

Ah I loved that. Also think he was great in Bloodline

She is excellent in Match Point and Lost in Translation though

I thought he was excellent in The Departed (but that’s one of my favorites love everything about that), and fairly good in Blood Diamond. And let’s not forget What’s Eating Gilbert Grape

I like him. Thought he could pull off Superman. And it cannot have been easy playing the Witcher in those unfortunate hair and costumes. He managed that pretty alright too, I think

I feel the same way. Definitely good actor but I don’t get the hype. And, since your comment made me bold, here’s what: I do not understand the Marlon Brando cult. I may get knifed for this one


Also Less Than Zero from the 80s. I really like that. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang! Glad this was mentioned