People never learn. Good for me in general, bad for them in particular.

That's why you can only find them in the fiction section of the library and Barnes & Noble stores. It's time to let Twilight go and find another book series to obsess over.

Piggy Parent

Kids are absolutely louder and out of control. My neighborhood kids are out all day and scream so loud I can hear them in my brick basement with good quality headphones. And parents don't care enough to say that kind of screaming is only for danger.

2 fun stories.

The old Hoover elementary school had a huge problem with roaches. The school custodian told me one day when I was subbing there it was so bad that roaches were crawling into backpacks and the kids were unknowingly taking them home. Thankfully none got into my purse that day, but it was several years before I went back there again.

The second one was when I lived in my old apartment. Cruise Properties bought the building and stopped screening tenants. They moved in not 1 but 2 different tenants who each brought a roach problem and then refused to deal with it. Someone who moved in later said their unit had painted over dead roaches on the wall, and my ex would see them in the hallways when he came over, during the middle of the day. It was mortifying. There's a good reason why Cruise Properties is no longer around.

That completely skips over the issue

So people who don't have insurance now have more on their bill. Great.

Piggy Parent

Oh no, he has to make his kids a grilled cheese and chicken nuggets every night! I bet it's gotten so bad that he had to go back to regular nuggets instead of the dinosaur shaped ones! Is the Red Cross there and where do I send the donations?

Times are hard and there's no shortage of stories of people struggling. But his isn't one of them.

Master Advice Giver [28]

In my own experience as a picky vegetarian, I've found what you're cooking with and how you're cooking makes a big difference. Cooking with canned vegetables usually just makes them mushy and gross. Steaming vegetables takes all the flavor out and feels like a chore to eat.

Fresh vegetables are much better than frozen and canned. Roasted or stir-fried gives a way better flavor and texture. Also cut them into smaller pieces, it helps a lot.

For roasted, set your oven to 450 and toss the veggies with olive oil, salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Roast for 20 minutes and stir halfway.

For stir-fry, cook them in a pan with olive oil, salt, pepper, and sauce of choice; I like curry or peanut sauce. It should take about 5 minutes or so to cook.

Piggy Parent

Back in the day when I first started subbing, a kid fell off the playground and broke her arm. The school nurse used a magazine as a makeshift splint while they were waiting for the kid's mom to come take her to the hospital. The mom was so mad that they would dare use first aid that she tried to rip the magazine off the little girl's clearly broken arm. The nurse chewed her out and made her leave it alone, thankfully.

There's parents who outright refuse to learn how to help their kids and then get mad when others have to. You can't win with them.

Master Advice Giver [28]

Hon, you're not going to like this, but you need to hear it. Stop helping her. She doesn't want the help and she almost sounds like she's doing it for the attention. You're killing yourself to fix her and that's not what a relationship is supposed to be.

Her threatening suicide is manipulation and it's at your detriment. The next time she threatens it, call 911 and let a professional deal with her. She needs more than just outpatient therapy. If she ends the relationship over it, then so be it. You're only 19 and you're too young to have this on your shoulders.

Master Advice Giver [28]

Get a man who's potty trained

Just like Bigfoot, the lochness monster, werewolves, and every other urban legend.

Veggie spring rolls with peanut sauce

Master Advice Giver [28]

That's an accident, you didn't know. It wasn't done out of spite or malice.

Master Advice Giver [28]

It was an accident. You've tried to make amends and she doesn't want it. You just have to let it blow over at this point.

Master Advice Giver [28]

You can't control anyone else, unfortunately

Piggy Parent

I live in a very blue county in Iowa and generally haven't had much issue with it. My town has a university, and the area around campus isn't child friendly by default. While I wouldn't mind a few less bars, I'll take that over screaming kids. Although the recent abortion ban does make me hang my head as an Iowan.

One of my husband's lifelong friends gave us this as part of a wedding gift. My husband has no legs from birth and uses wheelchair; we died laughing when we opened it.

Back in the 60s, my grandparents decided to get my dad a pony since it was legal to keep a horse within city limits at the time. They brought it home in the backseat of their car like this, and it kicked the window out during the trip.

You might survive initially, but infection is going to take you out long before the wound heals. Even if a doctor cleaned it out, once you leave the hospital, you're no longer in a sterile environment and everyday life is a lot dirtier than people realize.

Unfair isn't the right word, it's luck. It really depends on you being in the right place at the right time. I was on tinder for 3 years before I found my husband's profile; he ended up deleting it a week later, so it happens I got lucky that we swiped right when we did.

Clubbing doesn't work for most people; at best you'll find a 1 night stand. You also don't know who's there looking for someone and who just wants to be left alone. That girl probably wasn't looking for anyone and didn't want the unwelcome advance. Set your friend up on a dating app where people are actually looking to meet someone and can read more about their personality instead.

Master Advice Giver [28]

Being a spouse means being the beneficiary of someone's will, and it's the biggest pain in the ass. You handle everything, and that means everything from funeral arrangements, their personal property, disbursement of their will, and every greedy relative trying to contest it.

If you're on and off, then you're probably better off staying off. You're only 21, don't waste your time on someone who isn't necessarily terminal that you knew in high school.