That was only because of Robin Williams's ad-libbing. I don't think Jack Nicholson or Rodney Dangerfield impressions were current kids pop culture at the time.

Didn't they do something racing the Royal Mail to deliver a package to Twatt?

The classic, "I'm just asking questions" approach. Does Josh Hawley kidnap and kill house pets and sew them together to try to create a furry Frankenstein's monster? I don't know. But a claim that serious should be looked into, don't you think?

Thomas was one of the 12 disciples. He is best known for refusing to believe that Jesus had resurrected until he saw Jesus in the flesh and touched his wounds.

This looks fun, except for the part where I miss the first jump, fall, and horribly injure myself.

Without context, that quote sounds like it's pro-LGBT+ and racial justice.

Conservatives in the US claim that the 1619 Project is un-American and are trying to ban any related content from schools. Maybe that's a clue.

When Evangeline Lily signed on, she said she didn't want to be a part of a love triangle. Then they added a love triangle in reshoots.

It's called the mountain technique, it's named for the amount of bullshit used to explain it.

That sounds more like a Deadpool thing to say. I know he once tried to prove this point to Spider-Man by shoving him into gunfire.