I lost my 9 year old pit in March, very suddenly. I'm very sorry for your loss - it's not something that will be easy to get over. Looking at pictures helps me. At first I was mad at myself for not having more pics, but then I realized that I didn't have more pics because I was busy enjoying and loving and playing with my boy too much to bother with a camera.

Y'all need to shut this sub down. I'm fiending so hard for a new pibble puppy - I can't stand it!

Is it the same spot that used to be Big Daddy's? If so, I'm having a waking nightmare about being stuck in that hole-in-the-wall with over 280 people. That's fucking dangerous.

:alabama2: Alabama

Or, you know, put a logo near the toe of the shoe. Nobody puts tape there

Wait... this thing is called Chlamydosaurus kingii???? That's scary enough

:flag-al: Alabama

It's amazing the kinds of judgements she is able to make quickly, versus the ones she takes months to make (or even at all).

:alabama2: Alabama

A lawsuit filed in Dallas District Court in 2016 alleged the security guard, John Darjean, had “sustained severe and permanent injuries including a broken neck, damage to his cervical spine, permanent neurological injuries and irreversible incontinence,” according to a 2024 filing in the bankruptcy proceed.

Holy shit.

This happened when he was a teenager in high school. I personally think his dad should be on the hook for damages.

:alabama2: Alabama

'Stigmatisms are hard, especially for those of us less academically prowess

I can't believe you bothered to type out "are" since you can't bother to spell out "you." Surely you are the childish one.

Almost every person in this world has a certain food they don't like. Usually it's a vegetable. So when people are shocked that I don't eat vegetables, I ask them what food they hate and how does it make them feel to think about having to eat it.

"Oh you don't like beets? Well, all vegetables revolt me like that."


:alabama2: Alabama

Have you heard of Sunday? There is no football on Sundays

Not true! I can tell he's thinking about scritches and snuggles

"That man's gonna smell like hotdogs!"

:alabama2: Alabama

One of my friends was in the Million Dollar Band, and told me that one of their teachers left to go do post-grad at OU, and managed to get at least a portion of the band to play it late in the 4th. If memory serves, you can hear just a little bit on the TV broadcast.