Tests were super easy. One was online and one was in person. There were 2 group projects and they were both insanely easy. I did one of them in like 45 minutes completely on my own and got a 100. I got an A and I didn’t show up to class after the first week because attendance isn’t required.

I hit high masters playing Garen only. I’ve never won on another champ when he gets banned so I would just dodge. Garen is insanely busted

No… the Q’aran and it’s contents are peaceful! It’s called the religion of peace for a reason.


Lifelong Democrat here who’s voting Trump in November! Do you really think Biden is a fantastic president? The country is in the worst state in decades! D:

Man Men is like white noise for me, always puts me right to sleep. Ep 1 is horrible

Killing apostates isn’t okay. I wonder why killing apostates is so important… Maybe because they see Islam for what it is and call out the bullshit, and Islam can’t have any of that!

If you take the Quran for what it is and what it says, it’s really not all that complex. It’s a barbaric book and AP definitely won this debate.

You are mentally ill! You respect a child marriage toddler fucking bandit prophet! F*ck Mohammed!

You’re mad because the Quran has many contradiction and Islam is a false religion (all religion is false). How anyone can say “peace be upon him” to a child rapist pedophile bandit is beyond me (Mohammed married a girl when she was six and slept with her when she was 9 🤢).

Also it says to kill apostates. If you genuinely think it’s okay to kill nonbelievers or hold a book that says it’s okay to kill innocent people to such high regard you are a horrible human being.

Hope this helps!

I read a poll that said 93% of Panthers fans in attendance for game 7 said it was their first time ever watching a hockey game, including on television!

  1. Swear to god LeBron hard carries and beats all.

In the other 1000+ cities in the US, Kobe is objectively the worst scorer out of the 5. 🗣️

I’m on S3 ep 7 right now, still like S2 better as of now but I have the show on pause while I’m finishing up something else. I heard S4 is a masterpiece and the best!

Yeah The Wire I was struggling first few episodes but after finishing S1 I thought it was great. I was told S2 is the worst with the port authority shit and the Sobotka’s but I genuinely think it’s my favorite lol

Yeah Kyrie fulfilled his promise of bringing a chip to Boston! I still think Kyrie at his peak is better than anybody on that Celtics team, no debate though. Luka is also, but that’s a given.

That’s not how that works but slay Queen 💁🏼‍♀️