Bro, protect your pedo ring all you want. What am I lying about. The sexualisation? Google furry see what comes up. No one would have a problem with furries if they admitted it was fetishism. But you refuse, going so far as to present it as no different than a mascot, arguing tooth and nail you should be aloud to practice such fetishism directly towards children. For such a "small" community there are so many recorded cases of furry influencers pedo baiting and engaging in necrophilic beastiality. Shit on me all you want. Furries are sick not because of what they like but how they conduct themselves in public.

I don't think therapy is going to help, they are generally against sex crimes and will most likely agree with what I have to say.

Downvoted by the furries I see. Dont worry, everyone who downvoted you is okay with sexualizing animals and minors. Furry suits are no different than gimp suits. Stop approaching kids on the streets, they don't want want to smell your cum and sweat stained fur suits. They are predators, plain and simple and they influence the discourse to much. Furry = pedo/zoophilia.

This. The unions are toothless and they are dreaming if they think a CNA strike is going to do anything. Half the workforce are on work visas. They aren't striking for you. The only unions that have made a difference ensured no one worked during the strikes. They just don't have that power or reach.

Nice try. I'm not watching the damn thing just to hear Tucker Carlson of all people bitch about immigrants. The journalist is probably in the wrong as well. I just can't believe other Australians are listening to this tool and think he has good talking points.

We are fucked as a country if people are posting Tucker Carlson unironically.

Generally they can move things or decline but they are required to give you X amount of leave every twelve months depending on the award non-negotiable.

It's a better diss than your a good parent lmao

HOG is the tattoo tom has on his bottom lip. It's kind of an "insert here" kind of deal

But why though, answer the man's question damn it.

Ben's a Conservative first and is the number one source for Nazi rhetoric on youtube

Go back and relisten, no way in hell did Mac lose. His low effort response was still better than Toms 3rd grade level rapping. Tom just had better production, that was it.

Nah, Mac won that one too. Toms hardest bar was "you're lame" lmao.

Guys chill, you can compliment people. No one finds it wierd. A stranger randomly complementing someone is always awkward. The stigma is in your head.

Resistance 2. While the whole world is being enslaved and butchered, Australia is just chilling, not a care in the world.

"Your mum". Just hope they don't reply with "your mum's face"". Ideally you want to start the interaction so the third comeback is yours but this assumes they will respond appropriately.

Nice humble brag lol but yet here you are deep in the cesspool of the internet.

Islamist cults vs Cristian cults, same thing. All religions are just an excuse to fuck kids. Its literally the reason modern religions exist. Latter-day saints, the brethren, ECT... No one bought up Palestine but you. Funnily enough it turns out your ok with genocide as long as it's vanilla lol. Don't make your genocides too spicy guys, wouldn't want to upset anyone.

You all need to stop putting this franchise on a pedestal the first trilogy only had one decent movie, the rest were jaws level blockbusters, wowing audiences of the era because what they represented was a new era of filmmaking. The prequels and the second (third) trilogy were just nostalgia bait. Star wars has always pulp trash for the nerds (Nothing wrong with that). Demanding peak cinema from star wars is like trying to draw blood from a rock. Enjoy it or don't but god damn am I sick of being force-fed these arguments everytime Disney wants to cash in on this endless fucking rage cycle.

I know the rate is too high, an agency RN can make upwards of 8 grand a fortnight for doing half the work of a real RN

Civ 6 is 5 bucks (Aus) on steam right now, I bought it assuming my shitbox PC wouldn't run it and I'm pleasantly surprised. It's only base game though.