I'm a subscriber from the New York days. I got banned from the main sub months ago for daring to criticize Olivia's PowerPoints.

Emergency vet bills but gives them 50 bucks. lmao make it make sense.

NTA. He should show you grace for this as it was just an accident. I'm sure you clean up plenty of things that are gross but that's part of life. Your husband is being silly.

One of YouTuber Peter Monn's old clients. She's got some major issues.

I've only tried sealing one time. I didn't even get it half way done before I was almost in tears. 😓

Not OP but I've seen them on Amazon. I have the six set of villains in the same style. I must give a warning though, only do these if you don't mind seeing 100,000 310 drills. 🤣

I've never sealed any of mine. I don't find it necessary.

Hey, at least he's being active and having fun. I'll give him that. 🤣 But work on that blood pressure girl. 😬

"someone in chat asked about my stupid ass makeup and fit"

They don't give a fuck.

I think the grown adults that won't pick up their own dog shit and have no shame making their employees pick up live on YouTube need professional help. I think the people who fed their dog fucking cheese every day until it's kidneys gave out need professional help. Lazy bitches wouldn't even be rich without us.

I've been a watcher since the New York days, also cancelled my membership this weekend.

Southerns stop to help others all the time tf you mean?

Beautiful! I swear y'all find the best prints!

His dumb ass doesn't consider that not everyone lives in LA where everything is at your fingertips.

Some people in here are being kinda gross about the bi part I'm referring to them. Most are being cool. Gypsy is gonna attract the craziest mofos that's for sure. 🙃

Oh my gosh, thank you so much! What size did you do yours in?

No one ever humbles her frumpy ass.

So your lipstick can melt in your shoe? Ugly ass shoes, ugly ass person.

Homophobes don't care about that part.

Why are y'all making fun of this man being bi? Laughing at him being outted is disgusting.

His name automatically makes me think he's dumb.