I'm only new to Reddit, where do I find the Sunday chats...?

48 yr olds welcome....??! I feel like I'm in purgatory at this age, neither here nor there!!!

Yeah, he was saying something about "the guy in the green shirt", then at the next sit down he asked the umpire why the guy was still there then at the end of the match he went over and said something to the guy (I presume)! I'd love to know what happened!

Why have they all got a tissue on their shoulder?

That is the most human-like sheep I have ever seen

Nasturtium. I think they are caterpillar eggs....

Do you mind me asking what your starting weight was? I'm on it 4 weeks now and have only lost 6 pounds....

Wow! Do you mind me asking when you saw a noticeable difference with the weight coming off? Mine seems to be happening at a very slow rate!

I have no idea, sorry! But those bones don't look bovine to me

100% I remember looking at the trailer and thinking "meh", but it was the best of a bad bunch so I put it on! I was gripped from very early on!

Not in UK but in Ireland, DM if you want

Sorry but this made me laugh!! I'm the same age but I'd definitely prefer to be called ma'am than "sir"!