You don’t have to stop playing it.

Glad to see someone else that doesn’t worship the ground Opie walks on.

Yes! I forgot about that. I haven’t got to that part of my rewatch yet.

That’s awesome! And yea it’s great how accepting they are. And Tig was extra accepting. Lol

It sucks i cant play it on my ultrawide

In s6 she starts making a plan to divorce him and insure that Wendy is the next guardian for the children.

Attacking Wendy and shooting her up with dope was pretty villainous.

What does it matter. You shouldn’t have to be great at every game to be a successful streamer. Whats important is being entertaining to the audience. Not everyone watches to learn to get better

Well since people tried to make Cyberpunk 2077 game of the year because of Phantom Liberty then Elden Ring should be in contention this year.

(I’m joking, a DLC shouldnt be considered for GotY.)

Beck is 100% the sexiest of his main obsessions.

Dexter isnt hallucinating Harry. He knows Harry isn’t there. That’s more internal dialogue, him imagining how Harry would react to the things around him. With prof gellar the show runners use the hallucinations to try to fool the audience into thinking he is real. It’s a cheap gimmick.