:toxic: Toxic Holocaust :toxic:

Tfw you see a 200 Stab Wounds album cover for the first time

The scary part is when it comes down to, 'what kind of Christian are you'. Its how it currently is in the middle east and why so much infighting and civil conflicts occur there. They wont agree nor will they act with interest to your version of conservative Christian.

The other millions who will claim they were just following orders, or that god told them to do it, is whats concerning.

Just wait till it bites them in the ass and China who is rapidly developing its education system, becomes the next super power.

Interesting. Currently student pilot with 14hrs. How long you taking the plane out for?

Under which flight school? You part 61 cowboy? or a 141 school boy? Also you solo yet? How many hours you have solo?

I'm one of the most 'Merica' type people in my area, and I'm even thinking of not celebrating 4th of July in the sense of flags and all the red white blue. It feels so surreal right now to me.

We really went through a market crash, the war on terror, and now the possibility of a civil war all in our lifetime. Man, I'm just trying to buy a house and retire at a reasonable age.

Have you heard of a band called Slayer? And do you have a boombox? Also how willing are you to host a local death metal or punk backyard show?

:toxic: Toxic Holocaust :toxic:

They're literally skrams. An offshoot of screamo and emo music.

The thing is you're thinking regime change as If through conventional war instead of what you're thinking of, which is the hearts and minds strategy. In a conventional all out war, the US could easily level Iran, Cuba and North Korea within a year combined. Look up Operation Desert Storm and how the US alone was able to neutralize Saddam's Iraq military infrastructure within 24 hours of the operation beginning.

With Mexico being well within range of every single US airbase and even military bases, a conventional war would be a slaughterhouse of all mexican military units, especially that Mexico's air force does not have offensive or defensive aircraft at all compared to the other militaries the US has fought. So absolutely a B2 spirit is enough to level the Capitol and more in one sortie without refueling and without escort fighters.

:toxic: Toxic Holocaust :toxic:

Speak for yourself. Every metal lyric I've heard majority is: f-- everyone, I'm the most powerful being, destroy the enemy and steal their women, nuclear war is awesome.

:toxic: Toxic Holocaust :toxic:

Amon Amarth without the viking riffs.

China and Russia already doing that, though indirectly and virtually free.

Fun fact. Some people describe the earthquake sound as a dump truck engine hum. I've heard it before, definitely sounds like a diesel engine that's down the street from you.

Fair points. Makes sense. Yeah, I agree with that statement. I probably do give him too much credit for nothing.

All Cartoon Network has to do is fire shots about the Dan Schneider accusations and it's over for Nickelodeon.