This is the same series that has pillar men as an established race that can preserve themselves in rocks. Iirc TSKR has instances of paranormal entities. Not to mention, if select characters can acquire stands from something that started out as an asteroid that hit Earth, an extraterrestrial alien living amongst humans seems pretty in line with Jojo. It's possible his character contribution helps to answer the "can extraterrestrial life forms see stand types beyond ones that can be seen by non stand users?" question.

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The impression I got from the ending is the events can still happen to some extent just not necessarily with the exact same roster for at least parts 1 3 and 6. Eldis (original Hermes in soul) even mentions about wondering if the bus driver mistook her for specifically a GD Street prison escapee. Which can leave room to infer even entertain a different series of events with a different set of prison escapees. 🤷🏾

Time acceleration affects nonliving surroundings in such as day to the next day happen with seconds (minutes at slowest) while those living are in normal time.

So to time acceleration when time resumes, 5 seconds of real time is nothing regarding nonliving things.

It's considered a death because there's no longer a body for the stand disc to go back to. So soul wise, he just lives on through the stand in a sense.

The ones dead before the accelerated end of the original world come back to the ending world with different memories. The ones alive throughout (and can be argued same for the anomalies that didn't reach fated deaths in the MiH world) are dropped in the ending world with their memories left the same.

It's left unanswered/not explicitly shown as far as Araki Is concerned. All he shows before the final move to the ending world is Pucci defeat by Weather Report stand and the MiH world left to collapse/acceleration to the ending world.

The common opinion is that he's not included in the ending world since the original part 6 crew are alive with different lives and having no villains from GD Street to face off.

However, since souls of the dead are established to be included (via Araki confirming Irene is Jolyne with different memories in the bunko) in the ending world, it's just as possible to suggest the same fate happened with Pucci, if wanting to give him a "fate worse than death" route. He was all about "keeping fates consistent and being able to see what comes next" throughout the duration of the MiH world. So to him, being altered in any way (paired with no ability to to see what comes next) would fit the criteria of an eternal punishment.

Well given that Araki chose to depict F.F.'s death with the image of Atroe instead of the sentient plankton form, that to me clues the idea of dying with intellect and not necessarily coming back to the ending world as a plankton colony. Also, if going by the notion of stand disc=user's soul regarding Pucci's means of using Whitesnake's abilities, it's possible to entertain the possibility where fate could've as easily just put F.F. in a world paired with the unaffected original stand user since different lives for the formerly dead is permitted in the ending world.

Irene specifying her dad instead of the plural for parents can at least entertain an interpretation that they don't live in the same house.

Alt Ermes (Eldis) even mentions the possibility of being mistaken for a GD Street prison escapee, which I think answers the question regarding the alive anomalies that were created to accommodate the criteria of the MiH world. The diagram did explicitly exclude any souls of the dead from the original world from entering the MiH world.

Parts 1-5 (and even some level of part 6 up to the visitor chapters) happening is possible in the ending world. Are /all/ events in the ending world happening with the same souls from the first word? Not necessarily (as in Araki didn't confirm either or) for at least parts 1, 3 , and 6. Alt Ermes alive can also infer possibility of an Alt Gloria being alive and well. Which, if exploring that possibility, opens the door to potentially all MiH anomalies (not just the ones alive) being the ones stuck with the former lives of the originals.

She probably didn't care. The kids often blame them as a group if even only 1 or 2 of them did something wrong. So would it matter to Sarah if Edd dressed up as Ed? If anything she probably figured Edd dressed as Ed is a win cause she probably knows her own brother wouldn't do the tasks effectively. But Edd, the one in the trio that's all about neat and tidiness? Why not I guess?

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"I can handle characters performing unrealistic feats and wearing bright colored clothing but shoes are where I'm going to apply realism"

Don't get me wrong. I agree the design choice is dumb but that's cus I think it's just a dumb attempt of adding some "modern flair", something that can also apply to plenty of other outfit choices (multiple characters not just one)throughout the series.

He's alive as Irene's dad but Araki never implied he has or doesn't have the name Jotaro anywhere. Whether he does or doesn't both are ending speculations not proven.

Eldis (anime given name for the Ermes seen at the ending) even hints wondering if she got mistaken specifically as a GD Street prison escapee, which I think hints what happened to the anomalies that were created in consequence of MiH's criteria. Specifically the ones that didn't die when supposed to.

Weather would not have won against Pucci 1-1 in the Heavy Weather arc fight. Anyone acting like he could ignored the flashback (white snake humanoid form didn't exist yet), the first strike that sliced off Weather's leg from the start of the Weather Report and Anasui vs Pucci fight, the second leg slice, and Anasui's importance in distracting Pucci (or just Pucci shift attention to him for even a small moment) so Weather can get openings to attack him, and that Pucci isn't a character that fights honorably anyway thus Weather and Anasui are in no obligation to do the same.

Yeah if the link in first pic leads to the second one that part specifically is against T.O.S. cus the whole advertising any sort of means to get monetary gain is against T.O.S. Like is it that hard to just leave fanfic sites alone regarding such attempts of monetary gain? Or at least just keep all the behind the scenes transactional stuff (talking the whole taking commissions crowd) left not mentioned at all (in scenarios where commissioner allows posting it) anywhere in the notes? Personally I'm for leaving the websites alone regarding anyone taking a jump for the risks of fan work legalities regarding monetary gain.

That said, I don't think Ao3 can do much if this still happens just all advertising/link sharing doesn't exist. Like they're not a platform that's going to actively look at social media posts to catch evidence of rule breaking. Which means any evidence of stuff breaking their TOS (including things taking place outside Ao3 like social media posting) has to be reported by people who spot it.

Regarding the topic of paywalls that don't drag sites like Ao3 into it, I'm not going to act like I suddenly care about someone deciding on putting whole fanfics in paywall (provided sites like AO3 are completely left out altogether of such decision making) . I remember eons ago making a take that it's sketchy Patreon is a-ok with fanart getting a paywall pass (especially if an artist with huge following) and some folks were all up in arms defending Patreon for allowing it. The double standards are messed up, that's all I'm saying. If it's bad for one to be in a paywall (fan made writing), it should be bad for the other (fan made drawing) one too. Is it too much to ask for some consistency?

When the topics addressed are about serious topics like creators gaslighting the audience for not giving them enough money or actual instance of Webtoon staff (ex contracts, that one creator that got their stuff reposted with the credits gone, etc) being shady/scummy/incompetent (ex. bunch of webcomic reposts), it's a neat watch I suppose.

But, when using surface level definitions of the terms like romanticize to describe content of characters that could simply be having wacky sense of morals by I'll have to think over it. It would be one thing if the creator themself explicitly went "this is fine in irl". I vaguely recall couple of videos addressing that sort of issue but I need to lookover the provided evidence and review it again with fresh eyes. With the way the term romanticize is overused it's similar (yes similar not the same) to how I feel about the term woke diluted too much. My take is simply these terms should've remained used when addressing IRL topics. Because merely applying surface level definitions on just about anything without a sense of context/nuance is just ridiculous.

There's that I guess. I guess I was talking in perspective of someone that has seen people point out double standards on how female characters who are purposely written to be bad wouldn't be able to show certain problematic themes in the episode if the genders were changed. That too in context of TV shows.

I suppose with comic medium it's not exactly an uproar since you bring up it would just be put away. Sometimes I forget that cause I never really encounter...idk if niche fits for harem anime/manga. But I generally don't hear much about them unless it's one of those YouTubers that purposely find and review the content.

I don't mind the concept of bad/evil characters being bad by design. Even villainy type of power fantasy is pass if at least owning up to it and not compromising writing quality. People used to eat up the Get Schooled Manhwa despite the clear power fantasy element there even before the controversy. Which tbh brings into questions how many action webcomics manage to dodge the power fantasy allegations until the eventual fumbling.

So that why I don't think the power fantasy was the problem in the webcomic. It looks more like character design issues (especially for that one specific character) and writing issues/plot holes are just more obvious I guess?

The concept of a corrupt with power queen er royalty character treating the men like objects would be fine if genuinely wanting to make stories about villains in general scheme of thing.

From what I heard though, it has the same double standards issue like the Kanker Sisters (from Ed Edd n Eddy) in that if the genders were switched, there would be a lot of uproar (or more uproar) for even displaying the content, even if the creator intentionally designed the characters to be in the morally wrong.

No. Killing a stand/user doesn't necessarily undo the damages caused. It causes it either stop what was keeping things going/currently doing or continue on without the stand. Or in other cases, the stand outlives the user.

This is evident with the poker chip souls not going back to the bodies perceived to be dead/gone by the time of the defeat of Daniel D'Arby. This is evident again with the part 5 aged back to their canon ages in the Prosciutto and Pesci fight as it can be perceived as the stand needing to constantly be working to keep the aging where it was /and/ keep it going and that by their defeats the stand is no longer working to keep them in an aged state, implying the changes enacted by the stand weren't permanent alterations (Alessi's stand works similar to this but aging down opponents so it's not farfetched for this to be same case with a stand that ages people up) like the case with Aya's Cinderella stand abilities still in effect and keeping the Kosaku disguise working even after death.

Jotaro confirms this again in part 4 that no amount of defeating/destroying the stand/user can undo the deaths caused by the stands/stand abilities.

The fact, the ending world is an alternate future (which Pucci explicitly warns that possibility) confirms what Pucci says and the argument of him also saying that things being undone can simply be in context to the MiH world becoming undone since the OG world accelerated to the end (rendering no way to bring a world that reached the end back, only moving both the deceased and alive into the world shown at the end since Araki confirm Irene is Jolyne's soul in the bunko info) before the creation of the MiH world, leaving only the MiH world to be at risk of getting destroyed/undone. Time moves forward and the ending world accelerating up till 2012 to drop all alive off, occuring right after the fight was over, is evident of this.

You're addressing a stand powers usage (aka why didn't Araki use the lightning thing like what Weather did to the women) question whereas I'm pointing out in panel that Weather and Anasui still had some struggle to fight Pucci since Whitesnake's first strike and have only really gotten upperhands primarily whenever Pucci shifts his gaze to Anasui, which is what gave Weather time to coordinate with Diverdown and make the the punch with his stand to send Pucci flying to the car and that Anasui not seeing the blood icicle on Pucci's shoulder (and thus Pucci/Whitesnake not knowing). The chapters spell the fight clearly as per how Araki chose to write it.

I would imagine it's because he focused on making blood icicles to trap Pucci in a spot and when he did the lightning ability on the women, the women were touching his shoulders and he ran electricity (from within his own body) to do so. Keep in mind at that point where he was using the blood icicles trick, both legs were nicked by whitesnake, which makes it clear even Pucci ramblings ontop of Weather struggling to move due to losing the first leg, was enough to deal damage. All this took place before Pucci shifting focus to Anasui and WAY before Versus showed up.

Also, Weather explicitly says Pucci can anticipate his moves before the fight even started and Pucci confirms the same thing again when removing his ability to see. And the time it would take to generate it based on how lightning works and concentrating on targeting Pucci, Pucci would already anticipate the move and, in the same time Weather is generating electric currents via air, make counters using illusion tricks on a pile of snails to make them resemble him, Also, it only works if the target is stuck within one place, like how normal lightning hits a (usually random) spot. And these guys were fighting with head injuries and moving around. Which, would make lightning strikes useless and trying to pull a multiple lightning strikes would lower the voltage levels too small for each and it not doing enough damage to get a stand user opponent down. And does it really make sense to channel lightning when blood icicles can at least do both attacking Pucci and seemingly keep Weather from not insta dying due to the bloodloss from losing both his legs.

"In the early stages of development, air acts as an insulator between the positive and negative charges in the cloud and between the cloud and the ground. When the opposite charges build up enough, this insulating capacity of the air breaks down and there is a rapid discharge of electricity that we know as lightning."

So in short, Weather was using a different means to catch Pucci in a much more effective manner within time constraints vs trying to use an ability that would take more time and assumes the target is stuck in one consistent spot. He likely discarded any idea of lightning/electricity altogether the moment he realized Pucci can sense him and his stand and Pucci also confirms this again in the panel where he took out his own sight with the usage of the disc ability and said he can still sense where Weather is. So would lighting even do anything against a moving opponent?

Something that bother me about the "Weather Report vs Pucci" FightPart Six

The arguement of "Weather would've won against Pucci if not for Versus" rings odd cause it feels like Anasui is purposely omitted when such claim is made. It's never "Weather and Anasui would've defeated Pucci if not for Versus" wording despite the importance of Anasui's presence giving room for Weather to get upper hand when Pucci/Whitesnake's focus is temporarily towards Anasui . That being Anasui's actions are a big factor to how he got upper hand against Pucci in middle/later part of the fight. And before anyone come at me, I also recall hearing things like "Weather Report would've won easily" as the argument when there was still clear signs of Weather struggling before the fight actually started and Versus was not there.

Tbh Pucci (without his vision aka using Whitesnake to strike) still dealt a blow that costed Weather one of his legs even before the actual fight and there's no F.F. there. Sure Anasui helped with Diver Down but it further proves Weather on his own is dealing with a villain that does sneak attacks or takes upper hand. He would've struggled 1-1 with Pucci without Anasui/Diverdown and Pucci knew what blow to use to keep Weather to suffer a slow few hours before death. And when Pucci turned to see Anasui, it gave Diverdown usage advantage to assist Weather up and use his stand to send Pucci flying to the car. It's almost like Diverdown's ability was crucial to give Weather the boost needed when Pucci wasn't looking (and given Pucci doesn't fight fair, why should Anasui and Weather fight fair against him, right?)

Pucci also uses his rambling/explanations to lower guard and that was how whitesnake cut off Weather's other leg. And considering Whitesnake has Illusion abilities to take form of people before the fight with Jolyne, Versus being there just, in spoilers terms, makes whitesnakes illusion ability work improvisation work to Pucci's favor. The illusion working so fast is a plot oddity (I have to check if the Green Baby arc if the Weather Report illusion happened relatively fast there too but probably was planned out ahead and gradual since F.F. didn't notice the illusion during the journey to meet up with Jolyne and Anasui) but it's probably cause time passing regarding the time Jolyne and Ermes were looking for Weather is kinda hard to to gauge if enough time has passed for the illusion to work the way it did. Perhaps since it's only one body versus an acid room, maybe that could be why the illusion ability can work fast?

And there's also using stand abilities to figure out where Weather is through Anasui's eyes (which happens before the Versus part and thus no need for spoilers). This is clear that just like Jolyne's fight against Pucci, Weather also struggles when another character or two is in a position of critical injury/death/hostage situation. The clear difference between those two Pucci fights is in the Weather vs Pucci fight, Anasui made use of what he wasn't able to see earlier for one of Weather's attacks to injure Pucci on the shoulder vs in a critical death situation with Jotaro's memory disc lodged inside him and F.F.'s intervention was needed to prevent him from dying. Anasui not noticing the crucial detail (or he did notice and found a way to pick the answering wise enough to stall, whichever fits the scenario best) until after spotting Pucci got hit is what gives Weather the advantage needed to even things with Pucci and I think Anasui's involvements/predicaments in the fight (whether it's temporary hostage to whitesnake pulling from what Anasui sees or Pucci himself taking eyes away from Weather for even a small moment to deal with using Whitesnake to attack Anasui/Diverdown) are crucial and without them Weather would not been able to use those gaps (where Pucci/Whitesnake isn't attentive to him) to have gotten the upper hand against Pucci.

TLDR: It's not an even fight between the twins even before Versus came into the picture and let's not act like Weather could've totally handled Pucci on his own. It was still a struggling fight before Versus showed up and the struggling would've been more if it was a 1-1 fight. Anasui did his part in causing those small instances Pucci looked away from Weather, resulting in Weather being able to get upper hand at times. I get titling it as "Weather and Anasui vs Pucci" might be "a bit verbose" and rather 🤓 to say. But honestly with how people tend to paint Anasui as the one at fault for things or downplay his important moments in the story and even paint what Versus's mistake as Jolyne and Ermes fault (they were not the ones driving the car) somehow for some reason, I'm not surprised at misleading remarks like "Weather would've won against Pucci 1-1" popping up. From what I've seen, Anasui been carrying since the moment he thought of using Diverdown to give Weather the first upperhand he needed via the diverdown leg in place of Weather's missing leg.

Considering you're far enough to where Versus is present via car distraction, I guess no harm in answering with details of events that happened before the car's arrival. I do not know how much the anime covered regarding this part. But as per the manga details.

Short Answer: Regarding Versus's part in the story, yes the Original Verse would've still existed with Pucci (and likely Weather too given the critical injuries from missing both legs) likely dead before the events of C-Moon. In spoilers term, .

At the same time though, I felt like a lot of the "Weather Report/Heavy Weather OP" argument and the whole "Weather could've easily won against Pucci" arguments I seen tend to omit/downplay Anasui's/Diverdown's moments in the fight being crucial to Weather getting the upper hand in the middle-later part of the fight, before Versus showed up I mean. *

* = I originally had a long answer planned out but tbh I think the reasoning went longer than necessary and goes more about the second part of my short answer and imho fits better in it's own distinguished post addressing something I noticed in past discussions regarding the Weather vs Pucci fight.

Personally, I think it's good to give characters deplorable flaws without calling it bad writing. Bad writing should be things like characterization inconsistencies or just inconsistencies in the writing, not a character(s) intentionally depicted to have toxic/messed up views. Like if the characters's views cause anger at how they behave, it can be seen as sign of good writing, especially if the writing intention is to spell out the toxic flaws/make the audience not like them.

At the same time, I feel like any characterization changes to the show is more of how one looks at past writing and goes "nah it's not needed cause I don't see certain characters' characterizations that way anymore" if anything.

I think cause the hitchhiker is there, the stand likely either used the oxygen ability on itself as a self destroy since there was no stand disc explicitly shown to be destroyed after Emporio's use of it. Or, the hitchhiker is Weather soul born without ever acquiring a stand (since he only got one because of being twins with Pucci and Pucci doesn't exist anymore in the ending world).

IMHO a hypothetical self destroy (or dormant disc if not destroyed) won't affect the former user since the former user was long dead and the disc was a means to keep the stand "alive" just like how stand discs used on different users kept the stand alive despite the former users being dead. I think if it self destroy it would be cus of part of user's will (kill Pucci and then himself and the stand is still part of himself and would fall under that condition). But considering stands can act against the user's wishes, it could be preserving itself as dormant inside Emporio as even with the disc, if wanting to speculate the stand still being alive.

Even fraction of power caused some initial damage to Emporio's eyes (unless that a drawing error?), which is somehow fixed up after the fight. So I think

I think the difference is Weather Report stand just needs someone alive to keep the stand disc active (vs how Star's over defensive reaction imho would've reacted the same to anyone like what happened to Jolyne since I think the stand will only cooperate if it's Jotaro only) and has part of the user's will in it (which I think explains the compatibility with Emporio and could apply with the SO crew that Weather knows) and that being why it was able to move on its own to attack Pucci while the temp user had only temp eye injury at worst. Emporio himself confirms that he isn't making WR do anything in the final fight. If anything, Emporio's stand ability helped keep the fight indoors, limiting where MiH can move and for the 100% oxygen to be effective to kill Pucci.