Sería excelente que esto realmente ayude contra el nepotismo. Dudo que pase, pero estaría bueno.

:boca: Boca Juniors

A Kross le deberían haber sacado dos amarillas bien claras en el primer tiempo. A Alemania le regalaron jugar con uno más todo el partido.

He just called out Lahoz on his bullshit. That match had some of the worst refereeing I've seen in my life, and by far the worst in that WC.

Kross is just testing the waters. He's got a gun in his locker, loaded and ready for the second half.

Is this a nationwide thing? Who is pushing for this stupid policy?

incest in sexual education

Freud would be proud.

Si económicamente volvemos a vivir algo como los 90 (con mucho crecimiento de la desocupación) pienso que la cosa lejos de mejorar va a empeorar y mucho.

Liberal economic policies have been tried by Macri a few years back, Cavallo in the 90s and the juntas in the late 70s-early 80s.

a person who looks like they drink a lot of whiskey neat

Do you have the slighest idea how little that narrows it down?

My cataracts are gone! I can see again! All the beauty of nat...

A Cristina le hicieron un paro nacional por no sacar el impuesto a las ganancias, pero ahora que Milei lo vuelve a meter con la aprobación de una sola cámara y encima sin necesidad (más que sacar el impuesto a la riqueza para los más ricos) miran para otro lado.

Their ranking seems to be inflated due to being very consistent at beating the smaller nations in friendlies and qualifiers.

Also, their few losses against countries which are ranked lower than them didn't seem to affect their rank badly enough.

They'll probably drop a few spots after this EURO.

:boca: Boca Juniors

Tal cuál. Si hace goles que los festeje como quiera que lo vamos a querer igual.

Redneck Rampage. Back then I remember playing this one a lot, along with MDK and Pandemonium.

Los Sennheiser HD599 te van a durar una eternidad y no creo que nada de ese precio se les compare. Yo tengo los HD598 que son el modelo anterior (no los HD598SE que son una gama más baja) hace 10 años y son una bomba. Por las dudas, si querés, preguntá en algún sub dedicado a temas de audio.

Hagas lo que hagas no te compres un headset "gamer". Es tirar la guita. Suenan como el orto (en comparación) y se suelen cagar al par de años. Es mejor comprarte unos buenos auris y un micrófono berreta por separado (para lo que comprimen la señal del mic los juegos y las apps de chat, un micrófono bueno es completamente al pedo).

That was true before last WC. Argentina lost the first match in groups stage against Saudi Arabia.

I still remember how Neymar got injured in the previous game. That knee was criminal.

The only posts that make it to the front page are those loaded with juicy drama.

It makes sense that, from an outsider's perspective, the most common response to so much drama will be "just break up".

I just take all the stories at face value. You can't really know which ones are true and which aren't (unless they make it to the news, like that guy whose wife murdered their kids in-between his posts, but those are a minority).

It's not like anything bad is going to happen to me if I believe a fake story. And the drama is entertaining.