I might be open to Wiggins at the 2 if he regains his shooting. Otherwise I'd rather Wiggins be dumped or benched to start Melton there.

I feel like that's why Moody has stuck around, bc GP2 can't really be trusted through a whole season. Outside of 2022, he hasn't held up that well the last couple seasons. With him and Looney coming off the books next year, it's simple to run Moody one more year and then extend him with a Josh Green level deal next off-season.

I think Hield will be the one who gives that second unit some shooting, especially if JK plays a decent amount there.

The issue right now is we really don't have their SG and SF unit settled, since all those Wiggins reports of being heavily shopped and the Canada stuff. Just seems like a guy to be dumped to open up that three 3 spot for JK and Moody to handle.

I think Melton and Anderson will be the primary "third PG" this year, assuming health.

Plus, hasn't Draymond said he prefers a center starting next to him so he can roam and offer better help defense? At his age now his center minutes should be primarily matchup based and potential finishing games.

Are we sure Melton won't be starting and Podz running point off the bench?

Feel more like this will be the roster:

PG: Curry, Podz SG: Melton, Hield, GP2 SF: Wiggins, Moody PF: Draymond, JK, Anderson C: TJD, Looney, Post

Post will likely spend most of this season in G-league. I see this being the initial starting lineup:


*This could be subject to change if Wiggins gets salary dumped somewhere and this could turn into Kuminga at the three spot, or Green could wind up starting at center with TJD as the main backup, which shifts JK to that PF spot. A lot of directions this could go.

Yea, a lot of overlap having signed Melton and Hield. They could keep Moody if they see him as more of a 3 than a two. Looney and GP2 definitely more valued in a package with their expiring deals. Moody could easily be attached with a pick to make it slightly more appealing.

Lol I rag on ppl in this sub a lot and ain't nobody saying that. Ppl are just rightfully saying that he should just be moved for someone who significantly moves the needle.

Yes if Lauri doesn't happen, I say you roll into the season having beefed up the middle of the rotation with decent vets and hope on another year of development from the young guys.

Then you can re-evaluate at the trade deadline.

He's a bucket, but isn't overly athletic and kinda on the downswing of his career to play winning basketball as a full-time starter. Personally, he would be a great Sixth Man off the bench to feast against second units. That's the only role I'd sign him for. But it's hard for most teams to S&T for him now.

Nobody really wants to give much up for him and a lot of teams have made their moves and filled spots.

I think ppl need to get behind the fact that just getting off his contract and getting something of contending value back for him is unrealistic. Hell, we see the Mavs traded Hardaway Jr., a guy who was once really good for them, in basically a dump just to make room for someone like Klay.

Dumping Wiggins will help open up opportunities for other ppl on the roster, predominantly JK and Moody (assuming the latter isn't used in a trade for someone else). In this era of the apron, letting guys walk just to open cap space is going to be a much regular occurrence than it used to be.

Because as it stands now, guys like Moody and Kuminga deserve much more time at that forward spot than Wiggins.

I agree. Your point I think also shows that GS has options and chances to pivot. Give younger guys bigger role, and have signed key vets to assist in that transition. Best thing is the young guys plus the additions are all tradeable.

Think GS would much rather pay Lauri than BI. He's not easy to fit in most teams.

Allen probably not bound for Indiana since they got Turner and now Wiseman. Walker would be a good pickup for the Cavs though.

That's probably gonna be the rules of the apron era. Unless you got an overly dominant starting 1-4 like Boston (bc Porzingis is a bonus and could get dumped bc dude can't stay healthy, being above the second apron doesn't do teams any good.

I think Moody, GP2 and Looney are the filler options along with that deep rotation guard they got from OKC.

Wiggins will in all likelihood be dumped and probably used as the main lead in a trade for a potential big fish like Lauri or BI (I think Lauri is plan A, BI I question the fit given the lack of 3 point shooting and questionable defense)

I think all three additions are good in their roles.

The primary next move is probably going to be some kind of dump of a combo of GP2, Looney and even Moody or Wiggins. There's a lot of positional overlap on the roster right now.

I wouldn't worry too much about that. One, that's one training camp is for. Two, with Steph and Draymond older, the offense will adjust to fit the guys on the roster. Plus, all three of these additions I think are really good fits for GS system, so the curve won't be any deeper than any other player having to adjust to a new team.

If he actually gets room to breathe as full time center and Cavs do get that big wing, I think everything settles. I'd give Garland/Mitchell a bit more time, but it'll only work as long as Mitchell is engaged defensively

Question is which one you keep. I probably vie for Mobley's ceiling over Allen tbh, who would still be valuable to a lot of teams.

I'm still surprised they're trying to do it. I still think they'd be served at this point trading one of them if they're gonna insist with the Garland/Mitchell pairing.

To that point then, both teams have the ability to absorb him and renogiate if they have to. Any of the team trading for him would know that and make the moves to make sure they could accommodate that. Plus, wouldn't his Bird Rights be traded with him?

That's why it's off Ainge would extend him now and wait six months as opposed to joining the Capture the Flagg sweepstakes. Lauri on his team is gonna keep them mediocre, which isn't bad enough.

Think the issue with the Lauri talks is two-fold:

-Ainge is gauging the market. Based on history, Ainge is probably gunning for a picks-heavy package.

-Teams that have the ammo or the need for Lauri (Warriors, Kings, Pels, Spurs) are either asset gathering or risky to deal with Ainge, who will try to bleed those teams dry, especially since Lauri imo is a better player than Bridges. Out of those three teams, GS probably would be who I'd target, since they have young cheap players but also their future picks will be much more valuable than those other three.

-To that second point, teams have other things to consider. The Kings would likely have to give up Murray to even put themselves in talks, but have stated that's not happening. The Pels have Bi ready to trade at any time, but would Ainge want to trade for a player he'd have to tie near-max dollars into?

-Likewise, GS is probably going to be aggressive. They have some picks and swaps to use, but are they willing to give up Kuminga, Podz or even both? Think they're trying to juggle what they'd wanna lose. Is Utah willing to take on Wiggins' contract if GS throws all their picks and swaps in?

-Last but not least, whoever puts themselves in the Lauri sweepstakes must be ready to extend him for next since his extension can happen in August. Would a team like the Pels do that since they don't wanna extend BI?

A lot of factors in here. Lauri is an All-Star player who can easily be the second best player on a team looking to contend, especially with his size and shooting. It's crazy how good he got once he left the poverty franchise in Chicago.

Based on his actions since then, can we really say Durant was chased away? Guy goes to every franchise with one foot out the door.