according to the article these are churches where majority of the attendees are visible minorities so it’s just a way to reach out to ethnic groups, no different from visits to a mosque or Hindu temple.

Well I don’t notice a difference in taste. Do places with cheaper booze have a higher rates of drunk driving? Or another harms from drinking?

If they choose not to work, then it’s their problem them. If you don’t work how will you feed yourself?

After rehab, they will be able to work. A minimum wage job can rent you a room. They’ll have a place to stay.

People turning to hard drugs is what causes them to be homeless. They spend all their money on drugs even borrowing from friends and family. They can’t work because of their addiction. Why would family let them stay on the streets? It’s because of their drug use.

Housing prices in this province are insane. Who’s paying a million bucks for a condo in a suburb? Does that make any sense?

I don’t think free housing is going to stop someone who’s addicted to hard drugs to quit. They need to be in rehab so they will stop spending money on drugs and will be able to work.

I don’t support liberal drug policies when it comes to hard drugs. Heroin and all its derivatives are extremely addictive.

People can drink alcohol and not get addicted but how many people can do the same with hard drugs? These drugs are highly addictive and once you get hooked you’re done. You’ll end up homeless looking like a mess. Your family will have nothing to do with you, it will be hard to get a job etc.

Mandatory rehab for everyone who uses hard drugs like heroin and fentanyl. Homelessness will fall as most of the people you see on the streets are drug addicts.

There’s no difference in quality. It’s just more expensive because the LBCO has a monopoly And they have to pay for pensions and benefits for their staff so they must charge more.

I’ve been to the states, the alcohol tastes the same and it’s cheaper. I didn’t see more drunks on the street then I see here in Ontario’s

Let people enjoy their life. A drink is not going to kill you. Even if it increases your chance of cancer by 2 %. It’s worth it to some people. Have a drink and have fun.

If I wanted to live in a country where everything sinful is banned I’d live in Saudi Arabia lol.

This sub is so weird. Everyone is against drinking a drop of alcohol but thinks hard drugs like heroin should be legal. Make it make sense.

You guys need to relax. It’s not going to be the end of the world because beer is sold in convenience stores. Quebec does the same thing and it’s not a hell hole.

Ok so let’s take someone who never drinks and compare them with someone who drinks a glass everyday. What is the chance either of them gets cancer?

So many people eat unhealthy and barely exercise. We’re not taxing those bad behaviors. Let people enjoy a drink once in while. You only live once. Enjoy it.

What’s the harm if someone has a glass of wine at dinner every day?

Just because you drink too much doesn’t mean most people do.

And that’s just unnecessary. There’s no need for the LCBO to have a monopoly on that. Open it up to the private sector.

When I was in my early twenties, staff at convivence stores would ask for my ID if I bought lotto tickets. Like come on, nobody is selling cigs to minors and it will be the same. Do you think a 16 year old would be able to buy alcohol at Walmart? Someone is going to ask for ID.

Majority of people aren't alcoholics. Is everyone in Québec drunk driving, getting wasted on the streets because they allow beer to be sold at convivence stores? No. It's going to be the same in Ontario.

Well when people buy cigarettes they check for ID. So why wouldn’t it be the same case for alcohol?

Most people aren’t alcoholics. What’s wrong with being able to buy a beer a convenience store? In Quebec you can buy alcohol in convenience stores.

I support liberalizing alcohol sales. Ford should also end the monopoly LCBO has on distribution. Why didn’t he do that?

How long does it take to process their application? Just imagine getting free food and accommodation for year. It must be all over WhatsApp lol

This sub: NDP/liberal government budget surplus: Good. Because they it shows that they’re fiscally responsible!

Conservative government budget surplus: Bad because it means they got there by cutting services.

NDP/liberal government budget deficit: doesn’t matter because of GDP to debt ratio.

Conservatives government budget deficit: Bad. Conservatives aren’t so fiscally conservative as they say! They just cut taxes for the rich.

A surplus is very good. There’s no need to spend it all. No matter whether the government is conservative or NDP.