Maybe it finally got moved back from under gaming to the settings cog.

This is expanded on in Quantum Break as well with shifters being effectively unkillable.

Available on amazon:

It explicitly says "Not for food consumption" on the bottom, but that obviously doesn't stop you from placing open tins on it like OP

Bought this board a few months ago, no issues of note besides that it can't recover from bad memory configs (OCing). Had to install a cmos reset button to take care of that, but otherwise it's been great.

Mem train times with MCR disabled are under a minute with 2x24GB of tuned Hynix A-die, often under ~20s.

Don't rely on userbenchmark for any useful data, google around and you'll see that they're a laughingstock.

After seeing yesterday's post I backed out each screw on mine a half turn. Fingers crossed.

My reference card doesn't go above 90 hotspot while dumping 400w (maxed power limit) through it.

it’s nice that manufacturers are filling the space Intel left when they canceled their NUC line

Zotac was making these well before NUCs, let's not give Intel's marketing team too much credit.

I got very close to breaking a microsd once but noticed what I was getting stuck on after a few seconds of pulling the case apart. It's really easy to use a tiny bit more force than I did (especially if you're pulling the tabs apart) and not get that chance.

Was it burn in on the red channel? 2018 was when LG increased the red subpixel's size and stopped netflix/youtube logos from immediately killing TVs.

I googled for an article and linked the first one that looked relevant lol

Last I remembered they weren't able to recover anything without a previously made system backup.

The cheapest 7900 GRE on newegg is $750, better price/perf if you're willing to spend the difference. Definitely worth considering over a 7800XT.