
Thanks for the detailed explanation.  My stance for the most time was that Jesus is a mixture of many preachers. Now after reading I think there probably really was that one guy but he still got attributes and stories of others mixed in.

I have never met a feminist online or offline that would act as an egalitarianist. All of them say that feminism is about everyone but if you talk more about it it's always about guarding women from evil men and supporting women to fight against men and "the patriarchy". I will have a look at the subreddit.

A mall is exclusively maid to make you spend your money and you don't do that while loitering.

It's not about killing a child.

Gender would be meaningless for god and god would just have god as pronoun if god even cared about the concept of pronouns or language for that matter.

How do we define god in this case? A person or do forces count? Do they have to be sentient?
Without a definition you could say warmth or light is god. And the absence of it would be the devil.
You could also say god is time or space.

If you define god as a personal sentient being it would be a deist god hiding any evidence of his existence.

You can't have equality in that case. We wouldn't want a man to be able to force the woman to have an abortion or have the baby. But for that to be close to fair the man should be able to cancel all his responsibilities for the child.

It's often completely based on looks instead of behaviour.
Same thing with the insult incel.

while men should not be able to prevent the woman to abort their embryo, men should be able to step back from financial responsibility before the child is born.

Since feminism is everywhere we need to emphasise mens issues to hopefully make them visible.
I am an antifeminist because they (the majority of feminsts) dismiss mens issues and see men as villains.
I do value men and women equally but society doesn't.

I would call myself pro-abortion as well. In my opinion it is very important to be able to get an abortion if needed/wanted. I really dislike the "pro-choice" vs "pro-life" crap. "pro-lifers" act as they are the only ones that don't run around and murder people all the time. I favor life over death and abortion is often necessary to save the womans life in a physical/biological way or in a way where her life isn't controlled by the child she didn't want.

Misandry is accepted by society. while every criticism directed at a woman is called misogyny.
Of course men don't understand period pain. But what's the issue there?
I understand other types of pain good enough to understand that I wouldn't like it and my mood would suffer a lot.

  • The gender pay gap exists

Others explained it. It's not a real issue.

  • There shouldn’t be pressure on women to conform to societal beauty standards

Same for men at an equal level.

  • Women’s healthcare is an issue that needs major research done into it

Again same for men.

  • It’s fine for women to wear suits, trousers, shirts etc

This is widely accepted in western societies.

  • It’s fine for men to wear dresses

This should be just the same as women wearing pants.

  • I’m against the objectification of women

And the objectification of men.

  • Women are societally conditioned into believing there’s something “shameful” about aging when aging is a beautiful process

For women aging is an issue of not being beautiful anymore, men also have an issue with aging in todays societies. Old white men are the default villain today.

And the users in that sub would say that is a good thing.

Reporting comments will only let the mods of the sub decide about the comments which is of course useless. We would have to report the sub to reddit admins. Do you have the links to multiple posts and comments we could use as evidence?


They should put up different signs then. Dogs shitting is not the problem, it's the owners that do not pick it up.

Officially you have to enter the bus at the front door. There are even signs. So you are expected to enter at the front to show your ticket. Some drivers don't care but I have seen some that do.

The bigger ones yeah


All theists are stupid about their beliefs though.

Okay, so you basically agree?

I just recognize the main ships like voyager or enterprise (D).