No, it's not just you who enjoys discovering new music. Hope this helps

These are bars but you don't have to drink in them:

Rewind dive bar in the basement of the Screenland Armour movie theater has 4 mini living room setups with retro video game consoles set up and some fun decor

Sinkers Lounge downtown is an indoor mini golf bar with 9 full size holes and 9 tabletop

Updown is an arcade bar downtown

For vegan food, I recommend Seven Swans Creperie or Cafe Gratitude but I'm not vegan myself. Also check out what's playing at the Stray Cat Film Center!

I was laughing because the face seems so unsure. like if she weren't holding the camera herself I would think she had just found herself in that situation and didn't know how to get out of it

Damn bro I never said YOU didn't like season 3 I was trying to relate to you based on how I felt starting season 3. Sorry I guess!

I felt the same when I started Season 3 but it grew on me. I think there's potential with Keefe and BJ playing off eachother as more official gemstones currying for favor while John Goodman focuses on Gideon, which would make room for Kelvin, Judy, and Jesse to involve themselves as respective proxies. Like, they've grown past bickering with eachother for their own gain but will meddle on their person's behalf.

It's either this or "is a hotdog a sandwich?" 🙄

I went straight from Hawaii to Missouri, maybe that's why I wasn't behind all my peers; they were back there with me!

The first music device to let you queue up a song after the one currently playing. Much love to the dead homie

While I was attending middle school in Hawaii, there wasn't enough money in the school budget to pay teachers for the whole year so they implemented Furlough Fridays, where we just didn't have school on those days

Is this a critique or just a meme about meek mill that everyone likes to use

Genuinely, few things are worth this. Like, even if you can mute it it'll still fuck up your energy and rob you of the joy that you were expecting to get out of that game. Your question is whether it's worth sacrificing the social aspect of the game but if this is what the social aspect has to offer, it's not much of a sacrifice. Some black people will say it's more funny than hurtful but that's them talking through a thick skin that real life has forced them to develop. Black people (and women) shouldn't have to deal with the same abuse in video games that they deal with in real life. You should be angry at the people who have cultivated an environment so toxic that game companies are forced to cover their own asses by going nuclear and reducing the social aspect altogether.

My cruise control just holds the current speed. Is yours more adaptive than that?

Burns his kid's face and then exiles him on what he thought at the time was a wild goose chase. I love how in the final fight he does a fake surrender before Aang takes away his bending. Dick to the end