Lumberer exosuit had a 90mm cannon and a flamethrower in the first game.

And you don't think 40% of the player population is enough to defend a planet?

The main downside of the HE barrages is that they are unpredictable. They don't cover their entire strike zone so you can't be sure priority targets will die to it, but it also means you can't get close or you will risk getting blown up yourself, making it harder to fight the enemies the barrage doesn't hit until it ends. Barrages are very inconsistent unless you have so many areas that every shot is guaranteed to land on something and in that case you want them dead sooner rather than later. A faster barrage would also lower the amount of time you have to stay out of the zone to keep safe.

For something like airstrike you can just aim to the side and the line will catch it. For more precise stratagems you may just need to get a sense of the throw arc. Orbital Precision has a decent splash to it so it shouldn't be too hard. Otherwise you could take a support weapon that can destroy fabricators such as the Autocannon, Grenade Launcher, or even one of the rocket launchers. Or do it the old fashioned way with grenades.

On High Command's orders, SEAF Forces have begun amassing on Aesir Pass. Soon, we will be ready to initiate a push to break through the Automaton line and relieve our cut off forces. 

If they focused one planet they would absolutely make progress, but instead they're split across 5 with none higher than 15% population. The issue has always been the community's inability to focus. 

The Fighter to me is the master of formalized combat techniques. You could go to school to learn to be a Fighter. 

The Ranger is a master of situational knowledge. They know their environment, they know the strengths and weaknesses of their enemies, and how to leverage both of them to their advantage. They aren't necessarily as polished as the Fighter in terms of technique, but they make up for it with their knowledge.

I feel like it comes down to two major things 

1: A Ranger knows their environment. While their foes are hampered by the terrain, the Ranger navigates it with no issues or even actively uses against them. They can sense danger before it strikes, from the signs in the earth or the sounds of the animals and can turn the hunter into the hunted effortlessly. And outside of combat they are at home in the wilds, managing the other threats to survival besides unfriendly or hungry neighbors.

  1. A Ranger knows their enemy. They know their strengths and weaknesses and how to turn them to their advantage. They know where and how to strike for the highest effectiveness and how to avoid the most dangerous attacks of their target. They know their habits and preferences and how to exploit them. And a smart Ranger will quickly figure out a new foe as they fight or even beforehand.

Was this mentioned in a dispatch or something? This is the first I've head about it.

There are no supply lines to Cyberstan. Until they are added it is unreachable.

surviving emergency SEAF Training Facilities on Heeth and Angel's Venture will be shut down

From the dispatch feed.

HDC says we are on track to win, I'm astounded we managed to swing it around I'm time.

The SEAF bonus was shut down recently and I've never heard anyone say it was a flat additive bonus instead of a percent multiplier to existing liberation rates.

On High Command's orders, SEAF Forces have begun amassing on Aesir Pass. Soon, we will be ready to initiate a push to break through the Automaton line and relieve our cut off forces.

From the MO briefing

By the time we liberate those planets the attacks coming from them will have already succeeded. Aesir Pass is explicitly vital to the current MO sequence as the staging area for SEAF forces to punch through to connect to Ymir.

The end goal is to punch a direct path through to connect X-45 to the main bulk of allied planets. Aesir Pass is the gateway system into the whole bot front. There's no mechanical effect to us, but the MO briefing mentioned X-45 and adjacent systems as being "cut off" and Aesir Pass is the staging area for the SEAF forces joining the assault.

Play what you enjoy first and foremost, but here are my go-to loadouts.

Bugs: Blitzer, GP, stuns, light gunner, flamethrower, Rover, Orbital gatling, Orbital Precision 

Bots: plasma Punisher, Senator, stuns, combat Technician, autocannon, Mortar Sentry, Orbital Laser, Eagle Airstrike.

You are not going to fully liberate a planet from 0% in less than 24 hours.

Space Police have a speed trap there, anyone going FTL gets pulled over.

There are undead water elementals called Dessicators or Salt Elementals. Basically Un-Water Elementals.

Highly anomalous and undemocratic. We can assure you this does not represent the values of the Helldivers or Super Earth. This incident will be investigated. As thanks for reporting this dissident, we have added 10 points to your citizenship score. Please consider returning to active service and continue to be vigilant for any other undemocratic activity.

It's low effort because if you do a quick search you will find out this has been asked and answered roughly one million times a week.

Plasma Punisher: Kills troopers in one shot, staggers everything below hulks, big AoE.

Senator: kills troopers in one shot, save PP ammo on single targets. Can headshot devastators if you can aim precisely. 

Stun grenade: panic button and kill insurance. Hulks go to sleep. 

Combat Technician: Medium armor because you WILL get shot, scout because being detected less still means getting shot far less.

Autocannon: Long range precision, effective against 90% of targets and still functional against the last 10% if you can flank. Demolition power is great for AA/Mortar guns, Fabricators, and jammers with vents.

Mortar Sentry: wipe out swathes of bots without exposing yourself to fire. Can also distract them away from you if you run away from it. Put it behind a rock and it will be safe from bot fire while wrecking them.

Orbital Laser: Panic button for when things get way out of hand. Also good for deleting command bunkers and heavy outposts with no risk. 

Eagle Airstrike: the all-rounder, good for everything. Hit groups, hit tanks, hit striders, hit fabricators that you don't want to circle for an angle on the vents.