Mother fuckers we’re ending people’s lives over that chicken sandwich

Renting in my 30s here. Working 50 hours a week with a decent salary and great credit. Can’t get a loan to save my life because I can’t afford shit 🤷‍♂️ In my early 20s making way less I could afford a small home…..

That episode where paulie and chris are lost in the woods is fucking hilarious

True…. We’re doomed

So what do you pay? In today’s market I feel like anything under 1500 a month isn’t bad. Shits expensive….the days of having rent in an apartment for 600 a month are over….

At least he’s got a good view. Mines a cell with a bathroom and no view 🤷‍♂️ I pay 1100 a month.

Bro this is the shittiest hair style ever. Buzz it

Smh 🤦‍♂️ liberals….

I’d like to know what studies show correlation between low iq and conservative beliefs. Just curious. 🤨

Crabs are savage as fuck and smart in weird ways

Video games, tv, chores, cook food….. man in my 30s as well. I guess we’re boring. If I had kids then I guess you would add in all there activities and stuff. Life would be less boring. But yeah older with no kids means lots of free time. And yes it gets boring

Damn 1350 a month for that? Not bad

Did you get married too within the year?

Finna be the next president tho

I’m too old for this.

I’m somewhere between a 7 and 8. But getting closer to the 8…..

I actually am hopefully getting off in 2 months. Been on for 10 months already so that’s my year. Half way point

Yea so romantic. When our generation is old we’re gonna be like “bitch get ya own damn chocolate ice cream” to our wife. Thats even if we have one. Probably won’t.

I’m jealous. Being on probation sucks balls